Research Interests


1. 2D semiconductor materials

1.1. Large scale synthesis of 2D TMDC semiconductor

1.1.1 Combined recipe of thermal CVD and e-beam evaporator

1.1.2 van der Waals epitaxy of 2D TMDC semiconductor

1.2. Electronic structure measurement

1.2.1 Film fabrication with large grain size

1.2.2 Thickness dependent PES (photoemission spectroscopy) measurement

1.2.2 Small-spot PES

2. Energy-application materials

2.1. E-efficiency: efficient next-generation power transistor (GaN/Si device)

2.1.1 Novel method of surface passivation of GaN

2.1.2 Hall measurement of GaN device in wide temperature range

2.2. E-generation: transparent semiconducting/conducting oxide (TSO/TCO) synthesis

2.2.1 Novel TSO/TCO development

2.2.2 Low temperature synthesis method development


1. Transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) films (CVD)

2. Transparent metal oxide films (PED)

3. Transparent metal oxide films (sol-gel)

4. AlGaN/GaN heterostructure on Si wafer (MOCVD)