
<Professional Experience>

Associate Professor, Hokkaido University, April 2023 - present

Senior Researcher, JAMSTEC, April 2012 - March 2023

Researcher, JAMSTEC, April 2009 - March 2012

Postdoctral Researcher, JAMSTEC, April 2004 - March 2009

Visiting scientist, Department of Physics Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, University of Oxford, June 2016 – March 2017

Visiting scientist, International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii, December 2009 – March 2010



2004 - Ph. D., The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

2001 - M. S., The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

1999 - B. S., Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan



2019 Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Nishida Prize

The Award of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 2017

The Yamamoto-Shyono Medal, Meteorological Society of Japan, 2011.

<Professional Activities>

Editor, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, American Meteorological Society (January 2020~)

Associate Editor, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, American Meteorological Society (March 2017~December 2019)

Editor, JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development, April 2015 – June 2016

Stratosphere-troposphere Processes And their Roles in Climate (SPARC)

Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP), Chapter 9: Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and Tropical Varability, Contributor

Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth System (CAWSES-II), Taks 2: How will Geospace Respond to a Changing Climate?, Project 1.2 Changes in filtering, Progect member

<Scientific Committees>

The International Commission on the Middle Atmosphere (ICMA), member elected 2015 (term: 2015-2023)

2018-2020, Member of CLIVAR Sub-committee, IGBP/WCRP/DIVERSITAS Joint Section of the Earth and Planetary Science Committee and the Environment Committee, Science Council of Japan

2018-2020, Member of SPARC Sub-committee, IGBP/WCRP/DIVERSITAS Joint Section of the Earth and Planetary Science Committee and the Environment Committee, Science Council of Japan

2017-present: Outstanding Student Presentation Award Contact of Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences Section, Japan Geoscience Union

2015-2017, Party organizer of CLIVAR Sub-committee, IGBP/WCRP/DIVERSITAS Joint Section of the Earth and Planetary Science Committee and the Environment Committee, Science Council of Japan

2015-2017, Member of SPARC Sub-committee, IGBP/WCRP/DIVERSITAS Joint Section of the Earth and Planetary Science Committee and the Environment Committee, Science Council of Japan

<Scientific Community Service>

Convener, “Stratospheric processes and their roles on the climate”, Japan Geoscience Union, Chiba, Japan, May 2019

Convener, “Stratospheric processes and their roles on the climate”, Japan Geoscience Union, Chiba, Japan, May 2018

Co-chairs of theme 4, Atmospheric Impacts and Interactions Related to Tropical Processes, SPARC General Assembly 2018, Kyoto, Japan, October 2018

Convener, “Climatic role of the middle atmosphere", Asian Conference on Meteorology, Kyoto, Japan, October 2015

Convener, “Front researches for the middle atmosphere”, Spring meeting of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Tsukuba, Japan, May 2015

Convener, “Stratospheric processes and their roles on the climate”, Japan Geoscience Union, Chiba, Japan, May 2014

Organizing committee, “International Workshop on CMIP5 Model Intercomparisons for Future Projections of Precipitation and Climate in Asia”, Tsukuba, Japan, March 2013

Program Committee, AGU Chapman conference on Atmospheric Gravity Waves and Their Effects on General Circulation and Climate, Honolulu, USA, March 2011

Convener, “Possible studies of the middle atmosphere using high-resolution climate model”, Fall meeting of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Nagoya, Japan, October 2006

<Referee of scientific journals>

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

Journal of Climate 

Monthly Weather Review


Nature Geoscience

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Journal of Geophysical Research

Geophysical Research Letters

Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan

Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere (SOLA)

Earth, Planets and Space

Tenki (in Japanese)


JAMSTEC news highlight 2013 (you tube, from 9 minute 3 second ),  (Link)

<Funded projects as the lead PI>

2018-2022 (4 yrs) “The Quasi-biennial Oscillation and Gravity Wave Modulation by the El Nino Southern Oscillation” funded by JSPS/KAKENHI

2017-2020 (3 yrs) “Can we predict an unprecedented disruption of the equatorial stratospheric circulation in 2016?” funded by JSPS/KAKENHI

2016-2018(3 yrs) “Mechanism of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation modulation associated with climate change (Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research), funded by JSPS/KAKENHI

2014-2018 (4 yrs) “Mechanism of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation modulation associated with climate change” funded by JSPS/KAKENHI

2014-2017 (3 yrs) “Possible connection between the mid-latitude SST frond and the middle atmosphere” funded by JSPS/KAKENHI

2011-2013 (3 yrs) “Changes of atmospheric gravity waves, equatorial quasi-biennial oscillation and semiannual oscillation associated with global warming climate” funded by JSPS/KAKENHI

2008-2010 (3 yrs) “Gravity wave and the Quasi-biennial oscillation associated with tropospheric variability” funded by JSPS/KAKENHI

2005-2006 (2 yrs) “Roles of meso-meteorology and gravity waves on the general circulations” funded by JSPS/KAKENHI

2001-2003 (3 yrs) “Gravity waves in a high-resolution atmospheric general circulation model” funded by JSPS/KAKENHI

<Other funded projects>

2019-2023 (5 yrs) “Extratropical air-sea interaction that can potentially influence atmospheric anomalies and their predictability”, PI: Prof. Hisashi Nakamura, funded by JSPS/KAKENHI

2019-2022 (3 yrs) “Construction of abnormal weather story line in Japan for climate change impact assessment”, PI: Prof. Yukari Takayabu, funded by the Global Environment Research Fund (2-1904) of the Ministry of the Environment

2016-2020 (4 yrs) “Formation mechanisms of general circulations and minor constituent changes in the mesosphere and the lower thermosphere”, PI: Prof. Toshihiko Hirooka, funded by JSPS/KAKENHI

2015-2018 (3 yrs) “Connection between mid-latitudes and tropics and its relation to heavy rainfall in Japan through the atmospheric river”, PI: Prof. Yukari Takayabu, funded by JSPS/KAKENHI

2015-2018 (3 yrs) “Study on climate change associated with global warming and changes in precipitation phenomena in Japan and East Asia”, PI: Prof. Yukari Takayabu, funded by the Global Environment Research Fund (2-1503) of the Ministry of the Environment

2012-2016 (4 yrs) “Dynamical processes in the mesosphere and the lower thermosphere during sudden stratospheric warmings”, PI: Prof. Toshihiko Hirooka, funded by JSPS/KAKENHI

2012-2015 (3 yrs) “Study on future change prediction of Asian climate using CMIP5 multi-model data”, PI: Prof. Yukari Takayabu, funded by the Global Environment Research Fund (2A-1201) of the Ministry of the Environment

2009-2011 (3 yrs) “Elucidation of atmospheric structure and disturbance phenomenon by GPS radio occultations”, PI: Prof. Toshitaka Tsuda, funded by JSPS/KAKENHI

2007-2012 (5 yrs) “Comprehensive study on climate change scenarios for policy support and public awareness on global warming, sub Theme 2: Study on reproducibility comparison of various phenomena in multi-climate model and its future change”, PI: Prof. Yukari Takayabu, funded by the Global Environment Research Fund (S-5) of the Ministry of the Environment

2007-2010 (3 yrs) “A study of middle atmosphere dynamics using a high-resolution climate model”, PI: Prof. Kaoru Sato, funded by JSPS/KAKENHI