
If I find errors and typos in my articles, I will correct them and update as soon as possible in the followings:

Discussion Papers In Economics And Business, No. 16 - 06, pp. 1 - 24, 

Graduate School of Economics and Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) Osaka University.

1) I correct "β(g(P) - ρ)t log K0" at Equation (26) on page 14 to "(β/ρ) log K0 + (β/ρ^2) log g (P)".

The Manchester School, Vol. 87, Issue. 4, pp. 591 - 606.

1) I correct "elastically" at 22th line from the top on page 596 to "inelastically".

2) I correct "Vi,t" to "Vt" at the following pages: 

Equation (11) on page 596, 6th line from the top on page 597, equation (14) on page 597, and at footnote 2 on page 597.

3) I correct "Modeling" at 32th line on page 605 to "Modelling".

4) I correct "θi,t=γ[Vi,t(1)]^-1/βV'i,t(1)" at 6 line from the top on page 598 and "θ=γ[V(1)]^-1/βV'(1)" at 8 line from the top on page 598 to "θi,t=γV'i,t(1)/βVi,t(1)" and "θ=γV'(1)/βV(1)", respectively.


Tourism Economics, Vol. 26, Issue. 7, pp.1175 - 1196.

1) I correct the parameter "φ" in this article to the parameter "Φ".

2) I correct "b>0" and "G(t)>0" in this article to "b=0" and "G(t)=0". Alternatively, I interpret the exogenous airfare "τ" to include alien tax. This parameter represents tourism policy.

3) I implicitly assumed a positive externality effect of environmental quality on the labour demand for tourism goods in the labour market clearing condition as equation (23) on page 1183. This positive externality effect disappears by assuming Q1=χ+ψ in the market clearing condition; See equation (26) on page 1183. This change does not affect the qualitative results of the model, although it changes the quantitative results.

4) I correct "gN(k-1/2)" to "g(k-1/2)" in equation (39) on page 1187.

Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol.63(C), In press, 103169.

1) I delete "and pollution" at 4th line on page 5 and insert "subject to pollution" after "profit" at 4th line on page 5.

2) I correct "d(i)" at 27th line on page 5 to "τd(i)".

3) I correct "θ(i)" at 29th line on page 5 to "θ(k)".

4) I correct "pay bribes to bureaucrats" at footnote 5 on page 5 to "pay penalty for bribes".

The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Vol. 30, Issue. 4, pp. 625 - 642 .

1) I correct "(σ-1)/σ" of the second inequality at 18th line on page 9 to "(σ-1)/(σθ)".

2) Please delete "(" at 2th line on page 10.

3) I correct "economics" the 21 line on page 17 to "economists".

Transport Policy, Vol 105, pp.181 - 192.

1) I correct "b>0" and "G(t)>0" in this article to "b=0" and "G(t)=0".

2) I correct "L(σ-1)" at 31th line  in first stage of the manuscript on page 185 to "EL(σ-1)".

3) I correct "(27)" at 10th line in first stage of the manuscript on page 186 to "(23)".

See "Corrigendum to “Does the trade of aviation emission permits lead to tourism-led growth and sustainable tourism?” [Transport Pol. 105 (2021) 181–192]".

Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Vol. 24, Issue. 2, pp. 236 - 252.

1) I correct equation (23) on page 242 as follows: the RHS of equation (23) includes "-(1/P)".

Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 73, Issue. 3, pp. 456 - 468.

1) I correct "θi,t=γ[Vi,t(1)]^-1/βV'i,t(1)" at 7 line from the top on page 463 and "θ=γ[V(1)]^-1/βV'(1)" at 9 line from the top on page 463 to "θi,t=γV'i,t(1)/βVi,t(1)" and "θ=γV'(1)/βV(1)", respectively.

Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol. 79, pp. 610 - 633, 2023/7/9.

1) I correct "β^β*(1-β)^(1-β)=1" in line 22 on page 616 to "β^β*(1-β)^(1-β)=λ" on "1/2≤λ<1". In addition, let "δi" in the production function and factor demand functions on page 616 be "\hat{δi}". I assume "\hat{δL}=\hat{δE}=\hat{δ}" and define "δ=λ\hat{δ}". This correction allows us to numerically identify "β" satisfying "β^β*(1-β)^(1-β)=λ" on "1/2≤λ<1" under "0<β<1". Note that even if I assume "\hat{δL}=\hat{δE}=\hat{δ}", the obtained results remain essentially the same.

2) I correct ‘a low unit’ in line 56 on page 612 to ‘a high unit’ and ‘a high nit’ in line 66 to ‘a low unit’.

3) I correct "\tilde{Ω} \equiv (δE/δL)^h (τL/τE)^βh" in equaiton (29) on page 620 to "\tilde{Ω} \equiv (δE/δL)^h(τL/τE)^βh Ω".

4) I correct "ρ/χ" in equation (41) on page 622 to "χ/ρ".

Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 360, No. --, pp. 1 - 30, 2024/5/24. 

1) I coorect "Interest rate cut" in the second of the Highlights to Interest rate increase.