Yoshihiro Hamaguchi Lab.

濱口 喜広 研究室

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My Research Homepage

2025 / 2/ 20     :

Reporting my paper of " Link between Imitation Activities and the Pollution haven Hypothesis in an R&D-Based Growth Model " is accepted by The 100th Annual Conference on Western Economic Association International (WEAI 2025).

/ 上記の単著論文を、上記の国際会議で報告することが承認されました。

2024 / 12/ 12 :

A grant-in-aid has been tentatively approved by the Zengin Foundation for Studies on Economics and Finance for research on "Theoretical analysis and empirical implications of sustainable development through sustainable finance".

サスティナブル・ファイナンスを通じた持続可能な発展に関する理論的分析と実証的含意という研究課題に関して、公益財団法人 全国銀行学術振興財団による 研究助成 が内定しました。

2024 / 9/ 29     :

Reporting my paper of " Does monetary policy lead to pollution haven via financial agglomeration in an R&D-based location model? " is accepted by The 11th Tunisian Society for Financial Studies 2024 (TSFS2024).

/ 上記の単著論文を、上記の国際会議で報告することが承認されました。

2024 / 9 / 17     :

My co-authored paper of " How can fisheries environmental policies help achieve a sustainable blue economy and blue tourism? " is published by Discover Sustainability.

/ 上記の共著論文が、上記の国際学術誌において公刊されました。

Research Introduction / 研究紹介

The global warming problem has worsened from climate change, through the climate crisis, to the era of global boiling. In order to identify measures to enhance the sustainability of the planet, various academic disciplines are trying to unravel the mechanisms of sustainability in an interdisciplinary manner, using case, theoretical and empirical analysis methods. However, it is even more important not only to unravel the mechanisms of sustainable development, but also to ensure that effective measures are actually implemented by the current generation.

By utilising the analytical methods of dynamic environmental economics, which applies environmental economics to economic growth theory, I elucidate the mechanism of sustainable development, whereby strict environmental policies lead to pollution reduction and economic growth through innovation. It has also identified the socio-economic factors that hinder this mechanism. Based on these theoretical results, interdisciplinary international joint research has been conducted with researchers from around the world, and is also being verified through case studies and empirical analysis. Furthermore, I have begun to engage in practical research through Future Design.

As communicated by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), environmental issues are closely related to the socio-economy and it is necessary to consider the mechanisms within a larger framework. By promoting interdisciplinary international joint research and writing numerous international co-authored papers, I hope to build a sustainable economics. For this purpose, I am looking forward to receiving joint research proposals and offers from researchers around the world who are interested in this research topic. And I intend to contribute to the realisation of a sustainable society by disseminating the results to society at large.




Current Position / 所属機関

Junior Associate Professor /  専任講師.

Department of Economics,

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Kyoto University of Advanced Science.

京都先端科学大学 経済経営学部 経済学科

Centre researcherセンター研究員.

Future Design Research Centre (FDRC)


Researcher's Information, ORCID ID / 研究者情報 :

researchmap ; Web of Science ; 0000-0001-7068-0759

Research Funding Number / 科研費番号


Articles List / 論文引用数 : 

Google Scholar Citations ; ResearchGate ; IDEAS/RePEc


Curriculum Vitae


E-mail [Office]: hamaguchi.yoshihiro[at]kuas.ac.jp

E-mail [Main]:  prestidigtateur[at]gmail.com (please replace [at] with @.)

TEL: +81-75-406-9343 (Direct)


18 Gotanda-cho, Sannouchi, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 615-8577

Official Profile

#. Please contact me via E-mail if you hope to interview me.






経済経営学部 経済学科


TEL: 075-406-9343 (直通).


#. 取材依頼は、E-mailを通じて、お願いします。


Research Fields / 研究分野


持続可能な発展と持続可能な開発目標 (SDGs)

1. 環境政策の経済成長促進効果 / 二重規制

2. 環境脱税 / 排出枠ロビー活動 / 汚職 / 模倣

3. 汚染逃避地仮説 / ポーター仮説 / 国境税調整

4. 資源の呪い / 児童労働 / 珈琲経済 / 不平等

5. 持続可能な観光 / 観光主導型成長仮説 / 環境クズネッツ曲線

6. サスティナブルファイナンス

7. ブルー経済 / ブルーツーリズム / 譲渡可能個別漁獲割当制度 / レントシーキング

8. フューチャー・デザイン

Research Theme

Sustainable Development & Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

1. the growth-enhancing effects of environmental policies / dual regulation

2. environmental tax evasion / emissions quota lobbying / corruption / imitation

3. pollution haven hypothesis / Porter hypothesis / border tax adjustments

4. resource curse / child labour / coffee economy / inequality

5. sustainable tourism / tourism-led growth hypothesis / Environmental Kuznets Curve

6. sustainable finance

7. blue economy / blue tourism / transferable individual fishing quota system / rent-seeking

8. Future Design

Education / 学歴

Ph.D. in Economics,

Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University, March 2020.

Completed Ph.D. program without a Ph.D. in Applied Economics,

Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University, March 2017.

M.A. in Economics,

Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University, March 2011.

B.A. in Economics,

Shizuoka University, March 2009.

2020 年3 月  大阪大学大学院 経済学研究科 博士号 学位取得

 博士 (経済学) (論文博士).

2017 年3 月  大阪大学大学院 経済学研究科 博士後期課程 政策専攻


2011 年3 月  大阪大学大学院 経済学研究科 博士前期課程修了

                        修士 (経済学).

2009 年3 月  静岡大学 人文学部 (現, 人文社会科学部) 経済学科 卒業

                        学士 (経済学).

2004 年3 月  大阪府立 東豊中高等学校 (現, 府立千里青雲高等学校) 卒業.

Employment / 職歴

Full-time facluty

Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Economics,

Junior Associate Professor, April 2023 ~ Present.

Kyoto College of Economics, Department of Management Information,

Assistant Professor, April 2020 ~ March 2023.

Osaka Seikei University, Faculty of Management,

Research Assistant, April 2017 ~ March 2020. 

Part-time lecturer

Kyoto College of Economics, Department of Management Information, April 2023~ March 2024.

Subjects in charge of Seminar II and Seminar III.

Ritsumeikan University, Faculty of Economics, Part-time lecturer, April 2023 ~ Present,

 Subjects in charge of Advanced Macroeconomics I and Advanced Macroeconomics II.

Kokugakuin Universtiy, Faculty of Economics,  Part-time lecturer, September 2022 ~ Present,

Subjects in charge of Environmental Economics / Environment and Economy.

Osaka Universtiy of Economics, Faculty of Economics,  Part-time lecturer, April 2022 ~ Present,

Subjects in charge of Environmental Economics and Environmental Policy (~ March 2025).


2023 年4 月 ~ 現在に至る   京都先端科学大学 経済経営学部 経済学科 専任講師

2020 年4 月 ~ 2023 年3 月  京都経済短期大学 経営情報学科 専任講師

2017 年4 月 ~ 2020 年3 月  大阪成蹊大学 マネジメント学部 マネジメント学科 助手


2023 年4 月 ~ 2024 年3 月   京都経済短期大学 経営情報学科 非常勤講師


20234 月 ~ 現在に至る   立命館大学 経済学部 非常勤講師


2022 年9 月 ~ 現在に至る   國學院大學 経済学部 兼任講師

担当科目:環境経済 / 環境と経済

2022 年4 月 ~ 現在に至る   大阪経済大学 経済学部 非常勤講師

担当科目:環境経済学・環境政策 (2025 年 3 月まで)

Research / 研究業績

Refereed Solo authored Books / 査読付き研究書

1. ---.

Refereed Coauthored Books / 査読付き分担執筆

4. ---.

3. ---.

2. " A Survey of Sustainable Development in Economic Growth Theory: Achievements and Future Directions",

In Arouri, M., and Gomes, M. (Eds.) The Handbook of Energy, Sustainability and Economic Growth,

pp. 128-153. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Submitted proposal: 2022/3/1, Accepted proposal: 2022/8/11, Minor revision 2023/3/9, Publication: 2024/7/10.

1. " Environmental and Tourism Policies for the Decarbonization of the Tourism Sector",

In Thomas, W. et al. (Eds.) Sustainable Tourism: Frameworks, Practices, and Innovative Solutions,

pp. 231-256. London: Palgrave-Macmillan.

Submitted proposal: 2021/11/29, Accepted proposal: 2022/1/27, Major revision 2022/5/10, 7/23, Publication: 2024/6/29.

Refereed Journal Publications / 査読論文

#. Please contact me if you request my articles.

#. Please click here or researchmap, if you hope to check corrections of the following articles:

22. " How can fisheries environmental policies help achieve a sustainable blue economy and blue tourism? ",

   co-authored with Barun Kumar Thakur,

Discover Sustainability, Vol. 5, No.261, pp. 1 - 22, 2024/9/17

(2023 Impact Factor: 2.400, 2023 Ranking: ---/--- in ---/ ---),

Submitted: 2024/1/24, Major revision: 2024/8/2, Accept: 2024/8/27.

21. " Business Confidence in the Shift to Renewable Energy: A Country-Specific Assessment in Major Asian Economies ",

   co-authored with Irsan Hardi, Ghalieb Mutig Idroes, Muhlis Can, Teuku Rizky Noviandy, Rinaldi Idroes,

Journal of Economy and Technology, Vol. 3, pp. 44 - 68, 2025/2/14

(2023 Impact Factor: -.---, 2023 Ranking: ---/--- in ---/ ---),

Submitted: 2024/7/9, Major revision: 2024/--/--, Accept: 2024/8/10.

20. " Impacts of polluted water discharged by the fishing-related industry on fisheries resources and economic development in an R&D-based growth model ", 

Sustainable Environment, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1 - 18, 2024/8/2

(2023 Impact Factor: 2.300, 2022 Ranking: ---/380 in Economics / Q-),

Submitted: 2024/2/12, Major revision: 2024/4/16, Minor revision: 2024/7/23  Accept: 2024/7/24.

19. " Effects of a policy mix of uniform or unilateral environmental tax and trade liberalisation on economic welfare ", 

Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. ---, No. --, pp. - - -, 2024/-/--. 

(2022 Impact Factor: 1.800, 2022 Ranking: ---/380 in Economics / Q-),

Submitted: 2023/11/17, Major revision: 2024/2/2, Accept: 2024/6/29.

18. " Comparative study of environmental and monetary policies in an R&D-based growth model ", 

Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 360, No. --, pp. 1 - 30, 2024/5/24

(2024 Impact Factor: 8.000, 2022 Ranking: ---/380 in Economics / Q-),

Submitted: 2024/1/24, Reject and Resubmit as Major revision: 2024/3/18, Accept: 2024/5/17.

17. " A water pollution haven hypothesis in a dynamic agglomeration model with fisheries resource management ", 

Environment, Development and Sustainability, Vol. --, No. --, pp. 1 - 30, 2024/4/4

(2023 Impact Factor: 4.700, 2022 Ranking: 82/275 in Environmental Science / Q2 : 27/46 in Green & Sustainable Science & Technology / Q3),

Submitted: 2023/7/12, Major revision: 2023/10/31, Accept: 2024/3/14.

16. " Whether to Abolish or Introduce Dual Regulation as Trade and Environmental Policy ? ", 

China & World Economy, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 57 - 95, 2024/1/29. 

(2023 Impact Factor: 2.900, 2022 Ranking: 125/380 in Economics / Q2),

Submitted: 2022/12/18, Major revision: 2023/2/6, Minor revision: 2023/6/1, 2023/9/15, Accept: 2023/9/25.

For an appendix to this paper, click here.

15. " Gauging the Role of Technological Innovation in the Development of China's Maritime Economy ",

  coauthored with Xiongying Li, Ugur Korkut Pata, Jie Hu, Mustafa Tevfik Kartal, Miraj Ahmed Bhuiyan,

Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Vol. --, No. --, pp. - , 2023/10/20

(2023 Impact Factor: 4.000, 2022 Ranking: 115/380 in Economics / Q2),

Submitted: 2023/4/10, Major revision: 2023/---/---, Accept: 2023/10/8.

14." Environmental tax evasion as a determinant of the Porter and pollution haven hypotheses in a corrupt political system ", 

Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol. 79, pp. 610 - 633, 2023/7/9

(2023 Impact Factor: 6.500, 2023 Ranking: 31/380 in Economics / Q1),

Submitted: 2023/1/12, Major revision: 2023/4/18, Accept: 2023/6/21.

13." Pollution havens and agglomeration: The effect of globalization and technological spillover ", 

Applied Economics, Vol. 56, Issue. 19, pp. 2223 - 2240, 2023/3/10

(2022 Impact Factor: 2.200, 2022 Ranking: ---/381 in Economics / Q2),

Submitted: 2022/8/31, Minor revision: 2023/1/25, Accept: 2023/2/11.

12." The effect of environmental tax evasion on pollution havens within the EU’s dual regulation system ", 

SN Business & Economics, Vol. 2, 194, pp. 1 - 25, 2022/11/27

(2022 Impact Factor: ---, 2022 Ranking: ---/--- in ---),

Submitted: 2022/4/30, Major revision: 2022/7/11, Accept: 2022/11/14.

11. " Economic feasibility of marine renewable energy: Review ",

  coauthored with Miraj Ahmed Bhuiyan, Ping Hu, Vikas Khare, Barun Kumar ThakurMuhammad Khalilur Rahman,

Frontiers in Marine Science, Vol. 9, pp. 1 - 18, 2022/10/31

(2022 Impact Factor: 3.700, 2022 Ranking: ---/113 in Marine and Freshwater Biology / Q1),

Submitted: 2022/7/7, Major revision: 2022/---/---, Accept: 2022/10/11.

10. " Analytical method to derive environmental policy effects in an endogenous growth model with leisure ",

   coauthored with Miraj Ahmed Bhuiyan, Muhammad Khalilur Rahman,

MethodsX, Vol. 9, September 2022, 101840, 2022/9/19

(2022 Impact Factor: 1.900, 2022 Ranking: ---/--- in ---/ ---),

Submitted: 2022/7/17, Major revision: 2022/8/7, Accept: 2022/8/28.

9. " Method to analyse welfare effect of transferable quotas in an open economy with rent-seeking for quotas ",

MethodsX, Vol. 9, May 2022, 101722, 2022/5/4. 

(2022 Impact Factor: 1.900, 2022 Ranking: ---/--- in ---/ ---),

Submitted: 2021/11/4, Major revision: 2022/3/19, Accept: 2022/4/28.

8. " Welfare effect of rent-seeking activities under international management of fishery resources", 

Fisheries Research, Vol. 246, February 2022, 106170, 2021/11/4.

(2022 Impact Factor: 2.400, 2022 Ranking: 20/58 in Fisheries / Q2),

Submitted: 2021/4/21, Major revision: 2021/6/28, 2021/9/13, Minor revision 2021/10/25, Accept: 2021/10/26.

7. " Environmental policy and social status preference for education in an Uzawa - Lucas model", 

Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 73, Issue. 3, pp.456 - 468, 2021/7/11.

(2021 Impact Factor: 0.888, 2021 Ranking: 331/380 in Economics / Q4),

Submitted: 2019/5/3, Major revision: 2019/12/19, 2020/4/25, Accept: 2020/7/3.

This paper is certified as a top cited article in Bulletin of Economic Research between 2021 and 2022.

6. " Environmental policy effects: an R&D-based economic growth model with endogenous labour supply", 

Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Vol. 24, Issue. 2, pp.236 - 252, 2021/6/7.

(2021 Impact Factor: 2.059, 2021 Ranking: 191/381 in Economics / Q3),

Submitted: 2016/5/4, Major revision: 2017/5/26, Minor revision: 2018/1/3, 4/24, 8/6, Accept: 2018/9/24.

5. " Does the trade of aviation emission permits lead to tourism-led growth and sustainable tourism?", 

Transport Policy, Vol. 105, pp.181-192, 2021/4/6.

(2021 Impact Factor: 6.173, 2021 Ranking: 35/379 in Economics : 9/37 in Transportation / Q1),

Submitted: 2020/9/29, Major revision: 2020/11/21, Accept: 2021/3/19.

" Corrigendum to “Does the trade of aviation emission permits lead to tourism-led growth and sustainable tourism?” [Transport Pol. 105 (2021) 181–192]", 

Transport Policy, Vol. 147 pp. 271, 2023/12/11.

(2021 Impact Factor: 6.173, 2021 Ranking: 35/379 in Economics : 9/37 in Transportation / Q1),

Submitted: 2023/12/6, Accept: 2023/12/7.

4. " Polluting firms' location choices and pollution havens in an R&D-based growth model for an international emissions trading market", 

The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Vol. 30, Issue. 4, pp.625 - 642, 2021/2/18.

(2021 Impact Factor: 2.518, 2021 Ranking: 152/376 in Economics / Q2),

Submitted: 2020/6/11, Minor revision: 2020/11/8, Accept: 2021/2/7.

3. " Do pollution havens restrict tourism-led growth? Achieving sustainable tourism via a mix of environmental and tourism policies", 

Tourism Economics, Vol. 26, Issue. 7, pp.1175 - 1196, 2020/11/1.

(2020 Impact Factor: 4.438, 2020 Ranking: 52/376 in Economics : 21/58 in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism / Q1),

Submitted: 2019/5/3, Major revision: 2019/6/6, Accept: 2019/7/9.

2. " Dynamic analysis of bribery firms' environmental tax evasion in an emissions trading market", 

Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol.63(C), 2020/3/-, In press, 103169.

(2020 Impact Factor: 1.746, 2020 Ranking: 203/376 in Economics / Q3),

Submitted: 2019/5/10, Major revision: 2019/9/6, Minor revision: 2019/11/5, Accept: 2019/11/14.

This paper is certified as a top cited article in Journal of Macroeconomics between 2020 and 2023.

1. " Positive Effect of Pollution Permits in a Variety Expansion Model with Social Status Preference", 

The Manchester School, Vol. 87, Issue. 4, pp.591-  606, 2019/6/17.

(2019 Impact Factor: 0.622, 2019 Ranking: 320/373 in Economics / Q4),

Submitted: 2018/2/13, Major revision: 2018/7/17, Minor revision: 2019/1/3, Accept: 2019/1/24. 

 This paper is certified as a top cited article in The Manchester School between 2019 and 2020.

Non-refereed Coauthored Books / 査読無し分担執筆

1. " How to achieve the SDGs and sustainable development? ―A review of recent research from the perspective of economic growth theory-",

In Management Information Society of Kyoto College of Economics (Eds.) Towards sustainable societies,

pp. 147-156. Kyoto: KoyoShobo.

Submitted paper: 2022/9/13, Minor revision 2022/11/30, Publication: 2023/3/30.

1.「経済成長論から見た持続可能な発展」, 京都経済短期大学経営・情報学会編『持続可能な社会に向けて』晃洋書房, pp. 147-156, 2023 年3 月.

Non-refereed Journal Publications (in Japanese)  / 紀要論文

3.「Tourism-Led Growth Hypothesis and Sustainable Tourism-Implications of an Endogenous Economic Growth 



2.「What Do Students Learn through Project-Based Learning ?: A Case Study of Osaka Seikei University」



1. 「Child Labour in the Coffee Market Natural Resource Curse and Fair Trade Challenge」, 


3. 「観光主導型成長仮説から持続可能な観光へ ―内生的経済成長論の視座―」, 2019 年2 月,

『大阪成蹊大学紀要』, 第5 号, pp.81-95.

2. 「大規模クラスにおけるPBL型授業をとおした学生の成長―マネジメント学部「キャリアデザイン2」の事例から―」, 

2018 年3 月,

『大阪成蹊大学紀要』, 第4 号, pp.167-180,(間篠剛留, 諸熊建次, 林恒宏, 亀田峻宣, 山本幸一との共著).

1. 「珈琲市場における児童労働 資源の呪いとフェアトレードの課題」, 2018 年3 月, 

『大阪成蹊大学紀要』, 第4 号, pp.113-125.

Thesis / 学位請求論文

1. "Essays on Economic Growth and Emissions Permit Trading System (経済成長と排出権取引制度に関する小論)",

The chief examiner: Prof. Koichi Futagami, 

The vice-chief examiner: Prof. Tasturo Iwaisako; Prof. Kazuhiro Yamamoto.

主査:二神 孝一 教授 (指導教官), 副査:祝迫 達郎 教授, 山本 和博 教授.

Working Papers / 


#. Please contact me via E-mail if you hope to read my papers.

Work in Progress / 


Presentations in International Conferences with peer review/


19. kkk.

18. The 100th Annual Conference on Western Economic Association International (WEAI 2025), San Francisco, USA, June 20- June 24, 2025,

"Link between Imitation Activities and the Pollution haven Hypothesis in an R&D-Based Growth Model".

17. The 10th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2024), Hong Kong, China, December 15-18, 2024,

"Marine Kuznets Curve and marine resouce curse through rent-seeking into individual tranferable quotas in blue economy".

16. The 11th Tunisian Society for Financial Studies 2024 (TSFS2024), Monastir, Tunisia, December 13-14, 2024, Hybrid Meeting.

"Does monetary policy lead to pollution haven via financial agglomeration in an R&D-based location model?".

15. The 5th Vietnam Symposium in Global Economic Issues (VSGE2024), Ho Chi Min, Vietnam, Octorber 28-29, 2024,

"Link between imitation activities and the pollution haven hypothesis in an R&D-based growth model".

14. The 2024 International Conference on Empirical Economics (ICEE2024), Pennsylvania, USA, August 3, 2024, Online Meeting.

"Does monetary policy lead to pollution haven via financial agglomeration in an R&D-based location model?".

13. The 6th International Conference on Advances in Civil and Ecological Engineering Research (ACEER 2024), Beijing, Heibei Province, China, July 23-26, 2024,

"Relationship between population structure and sustainable development in an R&D-based overlapping generations model ".

12. The 99th Annual Conference on Western Economic Association International (WEAI 2024), Seattle, USA, June 29- July 3, 2024,

"Does monetary policy lead to pollution haven via financial agglomeration in an R&D-based location model?".

11. The 1th International Conference on Environmental Design, Material Science, and Engineering Technologies (EDMSET 2024), Dubai, UAE, April 22-25, 2024,

"Does monetary policy lead to pollution haven via financial agglomeration in an R&D-based location model?".

10. The 9th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2023), Matsue, Japan, November 21-24, 2023,

"How can fisheries environmental policies help achieve a sustainable blue economy and blue tourism?".

9. The 4th Vietnam Symposium in Global Economic Issues (VSGE2023), Ho Chi Min, Vietnam, Octorber 30-31, 2023,

"Comparative study of environmental and monetary policies in an R&D-based growth model".

8. The 2023 Technological Forecasting and Social Change Special Conference (TFSC 2023), Hsinchu, Taiwan, October 28-30, 2023,

"Comparative study of environmental and monetary policies in an R&D-based growth model".

7. The 2023 International Conference on Empirical Economics (ICEE2023), Pennsylvania, United States, August 5, 2023,

"Comparative study of environmental and monetary policies in an R&D-based growth model".

6. Conference on Responsibility and Ethics in Business & Finance (CREBF 2023), Nice, France, July 4, 2023,

"Comparative study of environmental and monetary policies in an R&D-based growth model".

5. International Cooperation in a Changing Global Economy, China, December 10, 2022, Online conference,

"Whether to abolish or introduce dual regulation for environment in global economy".

4. The 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2022), Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China, November 1-4, 2022, Online conference,

"Water pollution havens hypothesis in a dynamic agglomeration model with fisheries resource management".

3. The 8th International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences (ABS 2022), Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, August 8-11, 2022, Online conference,

"Impacts of polluted water discharged by the fishing-related industry on fisheries resources and economic development in an R&D-based growth model ".

2. The 4th International Conference on Advances in Civil and Ecological Engineering Research (ACEER 2022), Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China, July 4-7, 2022, Online conference, Invited Speaker,

"Impacts of polluted water discharged by the fshing-related industry on fisheries resources and economic development in an R&D-based growth model ".

1. The 4th World Social Science Forum 2018 (WSSF 2018), Fukuoka, Fukuoka Japan, September 25-28, 2018,

"Pollution haven and dirty secret in a dual regulation economy with an environmental tax evasion".

Presentations in Domestic Conferences / 国内学会報告

18. 2024/ 10 / 19 , 日本経済学会 2024年度季大会, 福岡大学.

(Japanese Economic Association, Autumn conference 2024, Fukuoka University, To be presented.),

Relationship between population structure and sustainable development in an R&D-based overlapping generations model.

17. 2024/ 5 / 25 , 日本経済学会 2024年度春季大会, 東京経済大学.

(Japanese Economic Association, Spring conference 2024, Tokyo Keizai University),

Does monetary policy lead to pollution haven via financial agglomeration in an R&D-based location model?.

16. 2023/ 9 / 16 , 日本経済学会 2024年度季大会, 関西大学.

(The 2024 Japanese Economic Association, Autumn conference 2023, Kansai University),

Comparative study of environmental and monetary policies in an R&D-based growth model.

15. 2023/ 5 / 27 , 日本経済学会 2023年度季大会, 南山大学, ハイブリッド開催.

(Japanese Economic Association, Spring conference 2023, Nanzan University, Hybrid Meeting),

Water pollution havens hypothesis in a dynamic agglomeration model with fisheries resource management.

14. 2022/ 10 / 15 , 日本経済学会 2022年度季大会, 慶応義塾大学, ハイブリッド開催.

(Japanese Economic Association, Autumn conference 2022, Keio University, Hybrid Meeting),

Whether to abolish or introduce dual regulation for environment in global economy.

13. 2022/ 5 / 28 , 日本経済学会 2022年度季大会, 横浜国立大学, オンライン開催.

(Japanese Economic Association, YOKOHAMA National University, Spring conference 2022, Online Meeting),

Environmental policy effects on pollution and economic growth in an R&D-based growth model with nonhomothetic preferences.

12. 2021/ 10 / 9 , 日本経済学会 2021年度秋季大会, 大阪大学

(Japanese Economic Association, Autumn conference 2021, Osaka University),

Agglomeration, inequality, and environment in an R&D-based growth model with endogenous labour supply.

11. 2021/ 5 / 15 , 日本経済学会 2021年度春季大会, 関西学院大学, オンライン開催

(Japanese Economic Association, Kwansei Gakuin University, Spring conference 2021, Online Meeting ),

Does environmental tax evasion inhibit political sustainable development via firms’ reallocation?.

10. 2020 / 10 / 10 , 日本経済学会 2020年度秋季大会, 立正大学, オンライン開催

(Japanese Economic Association, Autumn conference 2020, Rissho University, Online Meeting ),

What effect does border tax adjustments have on pollution havens? ーAnalysis of R&D-based growth model with heterogenous firmsー.

9. 2020 / 5 / 30 , 日本経済学会 2020年度春季大会, 九州大学, オンライン開催

(Japanese Economic Association, Kyusyu University, Spring conference 2020, Online Meeting ),

Does emission permits trade in aviation lead to tourism-led growth and sustainable tourism?.

8. 2019 / 10 / 13 , 日本経済学会 2019年度秋季大会, 神戸大学

(Japanese Economic Association, Autumn conference 2019, Kobe University ),

Pollution havens and agglomeration: The effect of globalisation on an international emissions permit price.

7. 2019 / 6 / 8 , 日本経済学会 2019年度春季大会, 武蔵大学

(Japanese Economic Association, Spring conference 2019, Musashi University ),

Privatisation, corruption, and globalisation in an R&D-based growth model: The effects of imitation by SOEs in China.

6. 2018 / 9 / 8 , 日本経済学会 2018年度秋季大会, 学習院大学

(Japanese Economic Association, Autumn conference 2018, Gakusyuin University ),

Pollution haven and tourism-led growth hypotheses in an R&D-based growth model with endogenous location choice.

5. 2018 / 6 / 9 , 日本経済学会 2018年度春季大会, 兵庫県立大学

(Japanese Economic Association, Spring conference 2018, University of Hyogo ), 

Pollution haven and dirty secret in a dual regulation economy with an environmental tax evasion.

4. 2017 / 9 / 9 , 日本経済学会 2017年度秋季大会, 青山学院大学

(Japanese Economic Association, Autumn conference 2017, Aoyama Gakuin University ), 

Pollutant firm's location choice and grandfathered permit allocation as soft budget constraint in international emissions trading market.

3. 2017 / 6 / 24 , 日本経済学会 2017年度春季大会, 立命館大学

(Japanese Economic Association, Spring conference 2017, Ritsumeikan University ), 

Dynamic analysis of bribery firm's environmental tax evasion under emissions trading market.

2. 2016 / 6 / 18 , 日本経済学会 2016年度春季大会, Spring conference 2016, 名古屋大学

(Japanese Economic Association, Nagoya University ), 

Natural resource curse and labor market in developing countries: A human capital approach.

1. 2015 / 10 / 10 , 日本経済学会 2015年度秋季大会, 上智大学

(Japanese Economic Association, Autumn conference 2015, Sophia University ), 

The environmental policy in a R&D based growth model with an endogenous labor supply.

Academic Association / 所属学会

1. 2015 / 4 / 1 , The Japanese Economic Association  / 日本経済学会.

2. 2024 / 6 / 20, Western Economic Association International.

Referee Service / 査読

(1) Elsevier

Economic Analysis and Policy (2023), Economic Modelling (2024), Energy Strategy Reviews (2021, 2024), International Review of Economics & Finance (2022, 2023), Journal of Environmental Management (2023*3, 2024*6), Journal of Macroeconomics (2022, 2023, 2024), MethodsX (2022*2), Research in Economics (2016), Research in Transportation Business & Management (2024, 2025).

(2) Springer

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (2024), Discover Sustainability (2024),  Environment, Development and Sustainability (2022*2, 2023*23, 2024*29, 2025*4), Environmental Sciences Europe (2024), International Tax and Public Finance (2021), International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (2023, 2024), Scientific Reports (2024*2).

(3) Wiley

China and World Economy (2025), Review of Development Economics (2023, 2024*2), The Scandinavian Journal of Economics (2024).

(4) Taylor & Francis

Applied Economics (2023, 2024*4), Applied Economics Letters (2023, 2024*2, 2025), Cogent Economics & Finance (2024), Cogent Social Sciences (2024), International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (2024).

(5) Cambridge University Press

Environment and Development Economics (2024).

(6) Frontiers Media SA

Frontiers in Marine Science (2024), Frontiers in Psychology (2022).

(7) Emerald Publishing

Tourism Review (2022, 2024).

(8) Public Library of Science

PLOS ONE (2022, 2024*2, 2025).

(9) MDPI

Agriculture (2022, 2023, 2024*3), Applied Science (2024), Atmosphere (2024), Axioms (2023), Behavioral Sciences (2024), Economies (2022, 2024*4), Energies (2021*3, 2022, 2023*5, 2024), fishes (2022), forests (2024), Games (2023*2), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2022*5, 2023), Journal of Risk and Financial Management (2022*2, 2023), Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (2022) , Land (2024), Mathematics (2021*3, 2022*3, 2023), Risks (2023*2, 2024), social sciences (2024), Sustainability (2021*4, 2022*15, 2023*22, 2024*10), Systems (2023*2), Water (2024*2).

(10) Conference

The International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE) (2022*3, 2023*2, 2024*2)

The International Conference on Advances in Civil and Ecological Engineering Research (ACEER) (2023*2),

The 4th International Conference on Modern Management based on Big Data (MMBD) (2023, 2024).

The 10th International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences (ABS 2024).

(10) Other

Environmental Research, Engineering and Management (2021, 2022*4, 2023, 2024), Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity (2023), Open Journal of Social Sciences (2022*5, 2023*4, 2024*5), Environmental Engineering and Management Journal (2023), Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development (2023, 2024*2).

Research Grant

 A : Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Early-Career Scientists 

"Dynamic Analysis of the Impact of Border Tax Adjustments and Dual Regulation on Greenhouse Gases and Economic Growth Via Industrial Structure"

Investigator: Hamaguchi Yoshihiro, Project Year: April 2022 - March 2026, Total Grants: 4.16 million JPY 

(Direct Expenses: 3.20 million JPY & Indirect Expenses: 960,000 JPY),

Project No. 22K13409. 

1. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Early-Career Scientists 

"Sustainable Tourism and Environmental Policy -Dynamic Analysis of Tourism Economic Models with Emissions Trading Market and Aviation Sector-"

Investigator: Hamaguchi Yoshihiro, Project Year: April 2019 - March 2022, Total Grants: 2.21 million JPY 

(Direct Expenses: 1.70 million JPY & Indirect Expenses: 500,000 JPY),

Project No. 19K13706. 

 B : Private Grant in Aids

1. the Zengin Foundation for Studies on Economics and Finance:

"Theoretical analysis and empirical implications of sustainable development through sustainable finance"

Investigator: Hamaguchi Yoshihiro, Project Year: April 2025 - March 2027, Total Grants: 650,000 JPY 

(Direct Expenses: 650,000 JPY & Indirect Expenses: 0 JPY),

Project No. 2425


 A: 日本学術振興会

2. 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2022 年度若手研究 


 研究代表者: 濱口 喜広, 

研究期間: 2022 年4 月 - 2026 年3 月, 

総額 416 万円 (内, 直接経費: 320 万円, 間接経費: 96 万円), 

 課題番号: 22K13409.

1. 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2019 年度若手研究 


 研究代表者: 濱口 喜広, 

研究期間: 2019 年4 月 - 2022 年3 月, 

総額 221 万円 (内, 直接経費: 170 万円, 間接経費: 51 万円), 

 課題番号: 19K13706.

 B : 民間助成

1. 公益財団法人 全国銀行学術研究振興財団 2024 年度学術研究助成 


 研究代表者: 濱口 喜広, 

研究期間: 2025 年4 月 - 2027 年3 月, 

総額 65 万円 (内, 直接経費: 65 万円, 間接経費: 0 万円), 

 課題番号: 2425.

Lectures and Press / 講演・報道

General Lectures / 一般講演会


「白書で学ぶ現代日本」公開講演会—日本経済の現状と課題-『令和5年度 経済財政白書 』を中心に

 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Kyoto University of Advanced Science

Part 2: Panel discussion:

 Public lecture on 'White Paper on Contemporary Japan' - Current situation and challenges of the Japanese economy, focusing on the '2023 White Paper on Economy and Finance'

Press Coverage / 報道取材



 CGTN (China Global Television Network), CNA (Channel News Asia)

Radio News Program:

  A present status of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Japan

  CGTN (China Global Television Network), CNA (Channel News Asia)

Education Activities / 教育活動

講義 於 京都先端科学大学 /

Lecture in Kyoto University of Advanced Science

1. 専門科目 / Specialised Subjects

2023, 「経済学入門 / Introduction to Economics」, 

前期・後期 / Previous and Latter term.

2023 ~ , 「マクロ経済入門 / Introduction to Macroeconomcs」, 

前期・後期 / Previous and Latter term.

2023 ~ , 「マクロ経済学 / Macroeconomics」, 

前期 / Previous term.

2023 ~ , 「先端的政策分析 / Advanced Policy Analysis」, 

後期 / Latter term.

2024 ~ , 「国際金融論 / International Finance」, 

期 / Previous term.

2. 演習科目 / Exercise Subjects

2023 ~ , 「数的処理Ⅲ/アカデミックライティング I / Mathematical ProcessingⅢ/Academic Writing I」, 

期 / Previous term.

2023 ~ , 「数的処理Ⅳ・アカデミックライティング II / Mathematical ProcessingⅣ/Academic Writing II」, 

期 / Latter term.

3. ゼミ科目 / Seminar Subjects

2023, 「スタートアップゼミ I / Start-up Seminar I」, 

前期 / Previous term.

2023, 「スタートアップゼミ II / Start-up Seminar II」,

後期 / Latter term.

2023 ~ , 「専門ゼミ I / Seminar I」,

期 / Previous term.

2023 ~ , 「専門ゼミ II / Seminar II」,

後期 / Latter term.

2023 ~ , 「専門ゼミ III / Seminar III」,

期 / Previous term.

2023 ~ , 「専門ゼミ IV / Seminar IV」,

後期 / Latter term.

講義 於 京都経済短期大学 /

Lecture in Kyoto College of Economics

1. 専門科目 / Specialised Subjects

2020 ~ 2022, 「マクロ経済学 / Macroeconomics」, 

後期 / Latter term.

2020 ~ 2022, 「環境経済学 / Environmental Economics」, 

後期 / Latter term.

2. 演習科目 / Exercise Subjects

2021 ~ 2022, 「経済購読 I / Economic Subscription I」, 

後期 / Latter term.

2020 ~ 2022, 「経済購読 II / Economic Subscription II」, 

前期 / Previous term.

2020 ~ 2022, 「経済英書講読 II / Subscription to Economic English 

 Text II」, 前期 / Previous term.

3. ゼミ科目 / Seminar Subjects

2020 ~ 2022, 「基礎ゼミナール / Basic Seminar」, 

前期 / Previous term.

2020 ~ 2022, 「ゼミナール I / Seminar I」, 後期 / Latter term.

2020 ~ 2023, 「ゼミナール II / Seminar II」, 前期 / Previous term.

2020 ~ 2023, 「ゼミナール III/ Seminar III」, 後期 / Latter term.

講義 於 大阪経済大学 /

Lecture in Osaka University of Economics

1. 専門科目 / Specialised Subjects

2020 ~ , 「環境経済学 / Environmental Economics」, 

期 / Previous term.

2020 ~ , 「環境政策 / Environmental Policy」, 

後期 / Latter term.

講義 於 國學院大學 /

Lecture in Kokugakuin University

1. 専門科目 / Specialised Subjects

2022 ~ , 「環境経済・環境と経済 / Environmental Economics・Environment and Economy」, 

期 / Previous term.

講義 於 立命館大学 /

Lecture in Ritusmeikan University

1. 専門科目 / Specialised Subjects

2023 ~ ,

アドバンストマクロ経済学 I / Advanced Macroeconomics I」, 

前期 / Previous term.

2023 ~ ,

アドバンスマクロ経済学 II / Advanced Macroeconomics II」, 

後期 / Latter term.

ティーチングアシスタント 於 大阪大学 /

Osaka University for undergraduate students

as Teaching Assistant 

2012 ~ 2016 , 「情報活用基礎 (経済学部) / Information Literacy」, 

大阪大学, 全学教育推進機構.

2012 ~ 2016 , 「留学生チューター / Tutor for Foreign Students」, 

大阪大学, 全学教育推進機構.

2012 ~ 2017 , 「ラーニングアドバイザー / Learning Adviser」, 

大阪大学, 全学教育推進機構.

2012 ~ 2017 , 「図書館ティーチングアシスタント / Teaching Assistant for Library」,  大阪大学附属豊中総合図書館.

2016 ~ 2017 , 「ビジネス・インテリジェンス / Business Intelligence」, 大阪大学, 経済学部.


2015 ~ 2016 ,「アカデミック・ライティング入門」,  

大阪大学附属豊中総合図書館 ラーニングコモンズ.

2017 ,「児童労働とフェアトレード」, 

大阪大学附属豊中総合図書館 ラーニングコモンズ.


2017 ~ 2019 , 「マネジメント学部 FD 研修会」, 大阪成蹊大学.

2017 / 8 / 21 ~ 8 / 22 , 「第12 回 コースデザインワークショップ  

(2 日間/通い型), 

大阪大学 全学教育推進機構 学習支援部.

ティーチングアシスタント 於

大阪成蹊大学 マネジメント学部 /

Faculty of Management Osaka-Seikei University

for undergraduate students as Teaching Assistant

2017 ~ 2019 , 「キャリアデザイン1 / Career Design I」, 後期.

2017 ~ 2018 , 「キャリアデザイン2 / Career Design II」, 前期.

2017 ~ 2019 , 「キャリアデザイン3 / Career Design III」, 後期.

2017 ~ 2019 , 「キャリアデザイン4 / Career Design IV」, 前期.

2017 ~ 2019 , 「キャリアデザイン5 / Career Design V」, 後期.

2019 , 「インターンシップ1 / Internship I」, 前期集中.

2019 , 「インターンシップ2 / Internship II」, 前期集中.

2019 , 「専門インターンシップ / Professional Internship」, 前期集中.

2017 , 「プログラミング入門 / Introduction to Programming」, 後期.

2017 , 「プログラム基礎 / Basic Program」, 前期.

2017 , 「プログラム応用 / Applied Program」, 後期.

2017 ~ 2019 , 「データベース活用 / Database Use」, 前期.

2017 ~ 2018 , 「ソフトウェア演習 / Software Exercise」, 前期.

2019 , 「ビジネスデータ分析 / Analysis of Business Data」, 後期.

2017 , 「商品開発 / Product Development」, 前期.

2017 ~ 2019 , 「ビジネス会計I / Business Accounting I」, 前期.

2017 ~ 2019 , 「ビジネス会計II / Business Accounting II」, 後期.

2017 ~ 2019,  「マネジメント入門 / Introduction to Management」, 前期.

2017 ~ 2019 , 「流通論 / Distribution Theory」, 前後期.

2018 ~ 2019 , 「社会貢献ビジネス / Business for Social Contribution」, 後期.

2018 ~ 2019 , 「起業家実践 / Practice of Entrepreneur」, 後期.

2018 ~ 2019 , 「企業ネットワーク論 / Enterprise Network Theory」, 前後期.

2019 , 「経営学入門 / Introduction to Management」, 前期.

2019 , 「経営統計入門 / Introduction to Management Statistics 」, 前後期.

2019 , 「ビジネス文化論 / Business Culture」, 前期.

2017 , 「スポーツビジネスマネジメント実践 / Practice of Sport Business Management」, 後期.

2018 , 「スポーツマンシップ論 / Sportsmanship Theory」, 前期.

2019 , 「スポーツファイナンス / Sport Finance」, 後期.

2018 ~ 2019 , 「専門演習4 / Research Seminar IV」, 後期.

2019 , 「専門演習5 / Research Seminar V」, 前期.

2018 ~ 2019 , 「専門演習6 /Research Seminar VI」, 後期.

Social Action Program / 社会貢献活動

Japanese Flower Arrangement Professor / 華道教授 


1. Maintenance and dissemination of Japanese traditional culture

2. Environmental education through the fair trade flowers

3. Development of flower arrangement teaching method with active learning


1. 日本伝統文化の維持・普及活動

2. フェアトレードフラワーを通じた環境教育

    3. アクティブラーニングを活用した華道教授法の開発

Education background for Japanese Flower Arrangement

Entrance into Ohara School of Ikebana, April, 2001.

Completion of Beginners' Course, March, 2002.

Completion of Advanced Course, March, 2003.

Completion of Assistant Teachers' 1st / 2nd Term Course, February, 2004.

Completion of Instructors' Course, Acquisition of qualification for instructor, 

Art Pen Name「Yokuto」, December, 2011.

Semi-regular member of Osaka Branch in Ohara School of Ikebana, January, 2012.

Normal member of Faculty Council in Ohara School of Ikebana, March, 2012

Completion of 4th Term Masters' Course, February, 2013.

Regular member of Osaka Branch in Ohara School of Ikebana, February, 2013.

Completion of 3rd Term Masters' Course, May, 2014.

Completion of Associate 2nd Term Masters' Course, May, 2017.

Completion of 2nd Term Masters' Course, June, 2022.


2001 / 4 , いけばな小原流 入門.

2002 / 3 , いけばな小原流 初等科 修了.

    2003 / 2 , いけばな小原流 本科 修了.

2004 / 2 , いけばな小原流 師範科一期 / 二期 修了.

2011 / 12 , いけばな小原流 准教授 修了,

  教授者資格 取得, 雅号「翊博」.

2012 / 1 , いけばな小原流 大阪支部 準会員.

    2012 / 3 , いけばな小原流 教授会 普通会員.

    2013 / 2 , いけばな小原流 四級家元教授 修了.

    2013 / 2 , いけばな小原流 大阪支部 正会員.

2014 / 5 , いけばな小原流 三級家元教授, 修了.

    2017 / 5 , いけばな小原流 二級家元脇教授, 修了.

 2022 / 6 , いけばな小原流 二級家元教授, 修了.

Direction history for Japanese Flower Arrangement/ 教授歴

Teaching in culture classroom 

for Ohara School of Ikebana on Osaka City, 2012, April. 

「Voice of IKEBANAJIN」, 

Activity history from 2001 to 2012, December, 2012.

2012 / 4 ,   大阪市内のいけばな小原流教室にて、いけばな


2012 /12 ,「いけばなじん」, 2001年から2012年頃迄の
