Beauty Way Healing Arts
Harmonizing Inner and Outer Nature
Yoli Maya Yeh is a Yoga & Shiatsu Therapist and an Educator in Comparative Religions and Global Studies: MA Comparative Religious Ethics.
She works at the intersection of Indigenous Preservation, Healing Arts and Social Justice and is co-founder of DEIcipher Group. Raised in her family's Native American spiritual teachings, Yoli spent twelve years of her young adulthood studying language, yoga, tantra, healing arts and meditation in India and continues to travel and teach around the globe.
Yoli holds transformative healing space for especially hard to treat, autoimmune, chronic conditions, unexplainable, undiagnosable, compound situations. She is devoted to healing for women and birthing bodies and offers supportive space for grief, loss, birth loss, traumatic birth experiences and the spiritual dimension.
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Upcoming Online
8 CEs, $200 – Fridays, March 1, 8, 15 and 22, 10am-12pm by Zoom
Click HERE to sign up
A call is being heard loud and clear to challenge racism within and to dismantle in industry structures. Long has this system of oppression and harm been supported by overt and implicit biases, capitalist economic structures and the misappropriation of spiritual and wellbeing language into weapons of self-hypnosis, gaslighting, spiritual bypass and abuse.
This series presents a map of the path we must traverse in order to liberate yoga and wellness tools and to enter the transformative justice work of anti-racism. Our approach to learning is rooted in a decolonized framework, Indigenous methodologies, is BIPOC centered and utilizes experiential pedagogy.
This is not your average unpack-your-white-privilege workshop. This is a deep dive into theory and practice of how we move from defining the problem to mapping how we move through the restorative work to arrive at the potential for transformative justice where collective healing is possible.
This class will be taught by Zoom.
Note: Classes attended by Zoom require that students keep cameras on.
Do you teach/facilitate yoga nidra live and/or online?
Do you wish to become more creative in your guiding of this practice live and/or online?
Do you want to become more intuitive and responsive in the ‘scripts’ you share with your clients and yoga nidra classes live and/or online?
Then this is the course for you.
It’s a practical, inspiring and grounded approach to accessing more intuitive and creative methods of sharing yoga nidra. It shares methods for offering creative and intuitive yoga nidra both live and online.
Designed and delivered by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli PhD and Yoli Maya Yeh Joseph MA, who bring together over fifty years of yoga nidra facilitation experience to shine light on simple and practical ways for facilitators to increase confidence in their intuitional creativity for the preparation and sharing of total yoga nidra.
This course is suitable for Yoga Nidra Teachers and Facilitators who have completed any Yoga Nidra Teacher Training.
You will learn:
How to develop your confidence in trusting the structure of Yoga Nidra to free your creativity in yoga nidra delivery.
Self-reflective group and individual exercises to cultivate intuition as a facilitator.
How to create themed yoga nidra practices for individuals and groups.
Simple tools to make co-creative yoga nidra with groups and individuals.
Simple practical tools to develop conversational tone, and narrative structure in yoga nidra.
Vocal techniques to use the instrument of your voice: intonation, lullaby and song.
How to bring rhythm and rhyme into your yoga nidra delivery.
Basic foundations in using sound and instrumentation live in person and online
Practical skills in managing online audio settings for successful use of instruments/soundscapes.
Topics Covered in this Curriculum:
Relationship between security in the yoga nidra structure and creativity in yoga nidra delivery.
Themed yoga nidra practices for individuals and groups.
How to weave a theme across the structure of yoga nidra.
Stories, conversational tone, and narrative structure in yoga nidra.
Intonation, lullaby and sung yoga nidra.
Using the instrument of the voice.
Musicality, rhythm and rhyme in yoga nidra.
Co-creative yoga nidra – from the sparks of connection comes the warmth of belonging.
Sound vibrations, instrumentation and soundscapes.
Matching components and themes with instruments.
Mantra, meditative silence and the creative dance between sound and silence.
Simplicity, humility and listening to intuition as a facilitator.
Inviting people of the global majority population into a specially designed container to equip you with a unique set of yoga nidra skills. For ourselves, we dedicate this course to our rest and healing from systems of oppression that separate us from the wisdom that resides in this body. For our students and clients, we equip ourselves with an expanded skills set to address the unique needs of populations who experience a disproportionate amount of harm through race-based stress and trauma.
The Total Yoga Nidra Teacher and Facilitator Training trains yoga teachers and others to teach and facilitate yoga nidra with confidence in class settings, one-to-ones, and for a range of therapeutic applications. Uniquely amongst yoga nidra trainings, it offers Total Yoga Nidra, a comprehensive, inclusive and non-dogmatic approach to yoga nidra that respects and explores not only a range of practice methods, but also acknowledges a variety of different levels of experience during yoga nidra.
Encounter yoga nidra in its totality
Explore the multiple forms and levels of this remarkable yoga practice
Become empowered to deepen your own intuitive practice of meditative yoga nidra beyond the limits of standard trademarked and traditional forms
Understand the full living range of different methods, lineages and levels of total yoga nidra
Experience total yoga nidra as a living intelligence of the heart, an adaptogenic practice of deep healing and self-discovery
Grow in confidence to share responsive and appropriate total yoga nidra practice with students and clients
This training builds upon the proven design by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and Nirlipta Tuli of Yoga Nidra Network and is enhanced with Yoli Maya Yeh’s knowledge on decolonization, restorative justice and healing praxis. This course will facilitate a unique arc of the comparative, creative and experiential aspects of the Total Yoga Nidra approach with nuanced content that speaks to the lived experiences of Black, Brown, Indigenous, People of Color. This course offers both practical training and personal and professional development.
We acknowledge:
Not all people are comfortable with the term BIPOC and do not use it to identify themselves. We use it here as a descriptor for people from the various cultures of the world who are systematically marginalized by the dominant cultural paradigm of white supremacy. You may identify as a person of color and be white passing, be of mixed cultural heritage and/or not know your ancestral origins. This course will center the voice, culture, expertise and knowledge of BIPOC peoples and highlight the nuanced experiences of BIPOC peoples in rest experiences.
If you are a BIPOC person who has taken the Total Yoga Nidra Teacher and Facilitator training before, in person or online, you are welcome to join the course at 50% of the cost. Please email to for the sign up link.
Please note that his course will be supported by two administrative contributors who are not BIPOC.
You must have completed the pre-requisite Total Yoga Nidra Online Immersion course before beginning this course.
Self-Led Learning
Prerecorded course in the Beauty Way Online Institute syllabus - A foundation course. Info HERE
Podcasts & Interviews
Accessing our Emotions: Grief as a Superpower
A 6 part webnair for Be Strong Families Covid-19 support tools
Modern Anarchy Podcast- What is Tantra?
On today's episode, we have educator Yoli Maya Yeh (She\Her) join us for a discussion about the indigenous tradition and enlightenment practice of tantra. Together we talk about how the goddess became a tool of the patriarchy, the warped and reductionist notion of tantra under capitalism, and reaching every moment an orgasm.
A webnair for Be Strong Families Covid-19 support tools
A webnair for Be Strong Families Covid-19 support tools
Racism: There is No Spiritual Bypass Panel Discussion
A Hard Conversation hosted by Northshore Acupuncture Center
Intersectionality in Action: Reclaiming Yoga as a Tool for Healing, Justice and Freedom
with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli of Yoni Shakti
with Karen Brody of & Uma Dinsmore-Tuli of Yoni Shakti
Check out Yoli featured in the July/August 2016 issue of Yoga Chicago Magazine: