




1. 研究題目

2. 研究計画の概要

·  課題の背景

·  問題意識

·  先行研究

3. 研究の目的(リサーチクエスション)

4. 研究計画

·      検証する仮説

·      どのようなデータを使用するか

·      どのような(二つの)変数の関係を分析するか

·      想定される統計解析の手法とその理由

5. 期待される成果

6. 参考文献(フォーマットは課題文を参考にすること)



1.     現段階で分析の内容や結果を記述する必要はありませんが、上記の24の説明に自作の図表を使用することは認めます。

2.     経済学的な知見に基づく研究計画が期待されています。テーマは必ずしも医療や健康に関わるものでなくても結構です。

3.     面接では研究計画書の具体的な内容について質問します。

4.     リンク先へのアクセスはkeio.jpのサインインが必要です。



慶應義塾大学大学院経済学研究科、東京大学大学院経済学研究科、University College London (Economics)、大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科、京都大学大学院医学研究科社会健康医学系専攻、東京大学大学院医学系研究科公共健康医学専攻、等

金融、メーカー、コンサルティング ・シンクタンク、マスコミ等




A. 紛争・戦争と人的資本・健康資本






B. 医療政策のエビデンス

I. 不妊治療の保険適用


II. 医療費の自己負担をめぐる最近の課題:反応の異質性と非線形性





4年春学期 :新型コロナウイルス感染症と社会経済

I.               新型コロナは人の生活にどのような影響を与えたか


1.      Altig D. et al. 2020. “Economic uncertainty before and during the COVID-19 pandemic” Journal of Public Economics, 191: 104274.


2.      Bacher-Hicks, A. Goodman, J., Mulhern, C. 2021. “Inequality in household adaption to schooling shocks: Covid-induced online learning engagement in real time” Journal of Public Economics, 193: 104345.

3.      Aucejo, E.M., French, J., Araya, M.P.U., Zafar, B. 2020. “The impact of COVID-19 on student experiences and expectations: evidence from a survey” Journal of Public Economics, 191: 104271.


4.      Takaku, R., Yokoyama, I. 2021. “What the COVID-19 school closure left in its wake: Evidence from a regression discontinuity analysis in Japan” Journal of Public Economics, 195: 104364.

5.      Altindag O., Erten, B., Keskin, P. 2021. “Mental health costs of lockdowns: Evidence from age-specific curfews in Turkey” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, forthcoming.

6.      Brodeur, A. Clark A.E., Fleche S., Powdhavee, N. 2021. “COVID-19, lockdowns and well-being: evidence from Google trends” Journal of Public Economics, 193: 104346.

7.      Baron, E.J., Goldstein, E.G., Wallace, C.T. 2020. “Suffering in silence: How COVID-19 school closures inhabit the reporting of child maltreatment” Journal of Public Economics, 190: 104258.


8.      Forsythe, E., Kahn L.B., Lange F. Wiczer, D. 2020 “Labor demand in the time of COVID-19: Evidence from vacancy postings and UI claims” Journal of Public Economics, 189: 104238.

9.      Kong, E., Prinz, D. 2020. “Disentangling policy effects using proxy data: Which shutdown policies affected unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic?” Journal of Public Economics 104257.


10.    Crossley, T.F., Fisher, P. Low, H. 2021. “The heterogeneous and regressive consequences of COVID-19: Evidence from high quality panel data” Journal of Public Economics, 104334.


II.             何が人の新型コロナの予防行動を決定するか


11.  Bargain, O., Aminjonov, U. 2020. “Trust and compliance to public health policies in times of COVID-19” Journal of Public Economics 104316.


12.  Eichengreen, B., Aksoy, C.G., Saka, O. 2021.  “Will COVID-19 renew or diminish public trust in science?” Journal of Public Economics 104343.


13.  Durante R., Guiso, L., CUlino, G. 2021. “Asocial capital: Civic culture and social distancing during COVID-19” Journal of Public Economics 104342.

14.  Bazzi, S., Fiszbein, M., Gebresilasse, M. 2021. “Rugged individualism” and collective (in)action during the COVID-19 pandemic” Journal of Public Economics 104357.


III.           何が新型コロナにかかる政策を決定するか

15.  Pulejo M., Wuerubin, P. 2021. “Electoral concerns reduce restrictive measures during the COVID-19 pandemic” Journal of Public Economics 104387.




1. 井伊雅子・五十嵐中・中村良太(2019)『新医療経済学』日本評論社

2. 安井翔太(2019)『効果検証入門 正しい比較のための因果推論/計量経済学の基礎』技術評論社

3. 津川友介(2020)『世界一わかりやすい「医療政策」の教科書』医学書院







4年春学期:ヘルスケアセクターの労働市場(2019/4/10 一部加筆)

I.  日本の労働市場とヘルスケアセクター

1.      Kawaguchi, Daiji, and Hiroaki Mori (2017) “The labor market in Japan 2000-2016” IZA World of Labor, 385.

2.      Shijo, Daisuke and Toshiharu Aramaki(2012) “Geographic distribution of healthcare resources, healthcare services provision, and patient flow in Japan: A cross sectional study” Social Science and Medicine, 75: 1954-1963.  

II.  医師の労働供給


3.        Rizzo, John A. and David Blumenthal (1994) “Physician labor supply: do income effects matter?” Journal of Health Economics, 13: 433-453. 

(参考) Sloan, Frank A (1975) “Physician supply behavior in the short run” ILR Review, 28(4): 549-569. 

4.        Helland, Eric and Showalter Mark H. (2010) “The impact of liability on the physician labor market” The Journal of Law and Economics, 52:635-663. 

(参考)Roth, Alvin E. and Elliott Peranson (1999) “The redesign of the matching market for American physicians: some engineering aspects of economic design” American Economic Review, 89: 748-780. 

診療科・就業場所・勤務医or 開業医の選択

5.        Newhouse, Joseph P., Albert P. Williams, Bruce W. Bennett and William B. Schwartz” (1982) “Does the geographical distribution of physicians reflect market failure?” The Bell Journal of Economics, 13(2): 493-505.

6.        Hurley, Jeremiah E. (1991) “Physician’s choices of specialty, location, and mode” Journal of Human Resources, 26(1): 47-71.   

(参考) Goodman, Allen C. and Brent C. Smith (2018) “Location of health professionals: the supply side” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 68: 148-159.

7.        Ramseyer, J. Mark (2009) “The effect of cost suppression under universal health insurance on the allocation of talent and the development of expertise: cosmetic surgery in Japan” The Journal of Law & Economics, 52: 497-522. 

8.        Sivey, Peter, Anthony Scott, Julia Witt, Catherine Joyce, and John Humphreys (2012) “Junior doctor’s preferences for specialty choice” Journal of Health Economics, 31: 813-823.

(参考)Headen, Alvin E. (1990) “Wage, returns to ownership and fee responses to physician supply” The Review of Economics and Statistics, 72: 30-37.   


9.        Theurl, Engelbert and Hannes Winner (2011) “The male-female gap in physician earnings: evidence from a public health insurance system” Health Economics, 20: 1184-1200.


10.        Ketel, Nadine & Edwin Leuven (2016) “The returns to medical school: evidence from admission lotteries” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 8(2) 225-254.

III.  看護師の労働市場

10.     Antonazzo, Emanuela, Anthony Scott, Diane Skatun, and Robert F Elliott (2003) “The labour market for nursing: a review of the labour supply literature” Health Economics, 12: 465-478.  

(参考)*Shields, Michael A. (2004) “Addressing nurse shortages: what can policy makers learn from the econometrics evidence on nurse labor supply” The Economic Journal, 114: F464-498.

11.     Hirsch, Barry T. and Edward J. Schumacher (2005) “Classic or new monopsony? Searching evidence in nursing labor markets” Journal of Health Economics, 2005: 969-989. 

(参考)Matsudaira, Jordan D (2014) “Monopsony in the low-age labor market? Evidence from minimum nurse staffing regulations” The Review of Economics and Statistics, 96: 92-102.  

IV.  医療セクターの生産


12.     Acemoglu, Daron and Amy Finkelstein (2008) “Input and technology choices in regulated industries: evidence from the health care sector” Journal of Political Economy, 116: 837-880. 


13.     Traczynski, Jeffery and Victoria Udalova (2018) “Nurse practitioner independence, health care utilization, and health outcomes” Journal of Health Economics, 58:90-109.  






I. 胎児期の健康

1.      Almond, Douglas (2006) “Is the 1918 Influenza Pandemic Over? Long-Term Effects of In Utero Influenza Exposure in the Post-1940 U.S. Population” Journal of Political Economy 114: 672-712.

(参考)*Almond, Douglas, Janet Currie (2011) “Killing Me Softly: The Fetal Origins Hypothesis” Journal of Economic Perspectives 25: 153-172.


2.      Smith, James P.(2009) “The Impact of Childhood Health on Adult Labor Market Outcomes” The Review of Economics and Statistics 91: 478-489.

III. 青年期及び壮年期の健康


3.      Carpenter, Christopher and Carlos Dobkin (2009) “The Effect of Alcohol Consumption on Mortality: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from the Minimum Drinking Age” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 1: 164-182


4.      Garcia-Gomez, Pilar, Hans van Kippersluis, Owen O’Donnell, Eddy van Doorslaer (2012) “Long-Term and Spillover Effects of Health Shocks on Employment and Income” The Journal of Human Resources 48:873-909.

(参考)Heinesen, Eskil, Susumu Imai, Shiko Maruyama (2018) “Employment, Occupation and Job Skills of Cancer Survivors” Journal of Health Economics, forthcoming (DP Version: The Rockwool Foundation Research Unit, Study Paper No.107)

5.      Michaud, Pierre-Carl, Eileen M. Crimmins and Michael D. Hurd (2016) “The Effect of Job Loss on Health: Evidence from Biomarkers” Labour Economics 41: 194-203.


6.      Schmitz, Henderik and Matthias Westphal (2017) “Informal Care and Long-term Labor Market Outcomes” Journal of Health Economics 56: 1-18.

(参考)Maruyama, Shiko, Meliyanni Johar (2017) “Do Siblings Free-ride in “Being There” for Parents?” Quantitative Economics 8:277-316.


7.      Wei, Shang-Jin and Xiaobo Zhang (2011) “The Competitive Saving Motive: Evidence from Rising Sex Ratios and Savings Rates in China” Journal of Political Economy 119: 511-564.

IV. 高齢期の健康

8.      Eibich, Peter (2015) “Understanding the Effect of Retirement on Health: Mechanism and Heterogeneity” Journal of Health Economics 42: 1-12.

9.      Gruber, Jonathan and Aaron Yelowitz (1999) “Public Health Insurance and Private Savings” Journal of Political Economy 107: 1249-1274  

(参考)De Nardi, Mariacristina, Eric French, John B. Jones (2010) “Why Do the Elderly Save? The Role of Medical Expenses” Journal of Political Economy 118: 39-75.B

V. 健康の世代間連鎖

10.    Aizer, Anna and Janet Currie (2014) “The Intergenerational Transmission of Inequality: Maternal Disadvantage and Health at Birth” Science, 344: 856-861. 





