News and events


Jan: Attend the UQM Simons meeting in NYC.

Feb:  Graduate student Guilherme Delfino will give a talk on `Aspects of Spatially Modulated Symmetries' at Harvard!

March: Giving a seminar at Brandeis. 

April: Giving a seminar at BU,

April: Lecture summer school on topological quantum computing in Ireland.

April: I wrote an invited review article on Fracton liquid for The Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics!

check it here:

May: attend the KITP program and the KITP conference on correlated gapless systems

check my talk on strong-to-weak symmetry breaking triggered by quantum channels:

check my talk on higher-rank gauge theory:

May-June: Head to Perimeter Institute for the quantum information conference.

June: Head to GRC conference on correlated systems

July: Head to Aspen summer program

Sep: Head to SCGP for generalized symmetry program

Dec: attend the KITP program 

Dec: Head to SCGP for quantum dynamics program


March: Attend the UW INT workshop on topological phase and give a talk on dipole quantum Hall states.

check my talk on youtube:

April: Give a seminar at Yale

April: Chair the GRC seminar on topological and correlated matter

May: Attend the GRC conference on topological and correlated matter

June: Heading for Aspen summer program

July: Invited talk at SCES, Korean

Aug: attend KITP program --- Quantum Materials With and Without Quasiparticles

Sep: attend UQM workshop

Sep: Graduate student Guilherme Delfino will give a talk on our work `Fractons from Gauging Exponential Symmetries' at BU CMT seminar

Nov: Giving a seminar at U Mass

Nov: Heading to the New Horizon workshop

Nov: Graduate student Guilherme Delfino will give an invited talk at Harvard CMSA on our work `Fractons from Gauging Exponential Symmetries' 

Dec: Giving a seminar at Boston University


Dr. Yizhi You were awarded the 2021 ERC-STG!

Dr. Yizhi You were awarded the 2022 CRM-Simons Professor at the CRM. 

May 2022: heading for SCGP for the Fracton program!

July-Aug 2022: heading for Aspen center for Physics for the summer program!

March:  Gave a seminar on plaquette dimer model in Oxford math department.

July: Attend the Pollica Summer Workshop on Effective Field Theories and give a talk on plaquette dimer liquid. 

Aug: Attend the Simons workshop at UT Austin and give a talk on higher-order topological phase.


Jan 2021:

Talk about "Emergent fractons in Elusive Bose Metal" at Quantum seminar series NU

Jan 2021:

Give a talk at Virtual School and Workshop waiting for the conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism

Jan 2021:

Talk about UV-IR mixing in plaquette melting transitions at Perimeter Institute

Check the talk video here!

Feb 2021:Give a colloquium at UT Austin
March 2021:Give a seminar at JHU
March 2021:Give a seminar at OSU

March 2021:

Talk about `Fracton critical point and topological phase transition beyond renormalization' at INT workshop "Topological Phases of Matter: From Low to High Energy".

Check the talk video here!

March 2021:

April-June 2021:

Co-Organizing the SCGP program `Geometrical aspects of topological phases of matter: spatial symmetries, fractons and beyond' and workshop ` New directions in topological phases: from fractons to spatial symmetries'.

June-July 2021:

Heading for 2021 Pollica Summer Workshop

July-Aug 2021:

Heading for KITP again for the program Interacting Topological Matter: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Systems


Jan 2020

Heading for BIRS workshop `Fractons and beyond'.

Giving a talk on plaquette melting transition. 

Check my talk video here!

Jan 2020:

Attending the first annual meeting of the Simons Collaboration on Ultra-Quantum Matter

Feb 2020:

Giving a Colloquium at CMU

Giving a Colloquium at UC Riverside

Giving a Seminar at UBC

March-April 2020

Giving a talk at MCQST workshop on “Topological Quantum Matter" in Munich

Giving a talk at Online international workshop: Recent Developments on Multipole Moments in Quantum Systems(via zoom)

Giving a zoom seminar at the University of Oxford

Giving a talk at U Chicago workshop on duality

June 2020:

Giving a zoom seminar at UCSD

Giving a zoom seminar at TUM

July 2020:

Giving a zoom seminar for the ultra-quantum matter (UQM) Simons' collaboration 

July 2020:

Giving a zoom seminar at UIUC 

Oct 2020:

Giving a seminar at IFW-Dresden

Nov 2020:

Giving a seminar at MPIPKS

Nov 2020:

Giving a seminar at TU Dresden

Nov 2020:

Giving a zoom-seminar at LMU

Dec 2020:

Hosting an online PCTS workshop on ‘Quantum matter in the era of entanglement’

Dec 2020:

Giving a zoom-seminar at TUM

Dec 2020:

Giving a zoom-seminar at the University of Cologne

Dec 2020:

Giving a zoom-seminar at Rutgers University


Feb 2019:

Giving a talk at Aspen Winter Conference "New Approaches to Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems"

Giving a seminar at the University of Pennsylvania

Giving a seminar at Penn State University

April 2019:

Go to Stanford and attend the 2019 Rising star in physics workshop

May 2019:

Giving a talk at Nordita program on Effective Theories of Quantum Phases of Matter

June 2019:

Go to Aspen summer workshop on quantum spin liquid

July 2019:

Giving an invited talk for Quantum Theory and Symmetry conference

Aug - Oct 2019:

Heading for KITP again for the program Topological Quantum Matter: Concepts and Realizations

Giving a talk on Emergent Fracton and algebra quantum liquids

Lead a discussion on Fracton

Sep 2019:

Giving a seminar at U Michigan

Oct 2019:

Organizing the PCTS workshop `The future of topological materials'

Nov 2019:

Giving a TPI seminar at the University of Alberta

Dec 2019:

Visit Harvard CMSA and give a talk on Fracton.

Dec 2019:

Giving a talk at Fluid phases of matter conference at CUNY


Organizing the PCTS workshop `Fracton Phases of Matter and Topological Crystalline Order'

Find the online talks here: