Yizhi You

My research interest covers a broad range of theoretical subjects in quantum manybody physics, including:

• Topological phases in and out of equilibrium

• Fracton and higher-rank gauge theory 

• Entanglement and quantum complexity 

• Quantum dynamics and decoherence

Recently, I have been particularly delving into the decoherence effect and local quantum channels in many-body physics.

The goal of this trend is 1) The nature of nonequilibrium phases and phase transitions in open quantum systems, instigated by local decoherence channels. 2) To scrutinize the fate of topological states in the presence of decoherence and explore unique mixed-state quantum systems that are intrinsic for open systems. 3) Explore information or entanglement phase transitions driven by decoherence channels.

Hiring:  PhD position available. If you are enrolled in the Northeastern Physics Graduate Program, please contact me at any time to discuss research. 

Hiring:  Postdoc position available, ads TBA.

Feel free to contact me via:


Prospective applicants: If you are applying to graduate school at Northeastern and wish to work with me as your Ph.D. advisor, please note that I cannot accept students into my group until they have first been accepted into the NEU Physics Graduate Program and I am not involved in the admissions process.

