Open Source

Planning and control algorithms are public on Github and Bitbucket.

  • Impedance control of series elastic actuation code is available here.
  • Code of phase space motion planning over rough terrain is available here.
  • Code of Kuka grasping task solved by risk-sensitive contact-implicit trajectory optimization is available here (under development).
  • Code of Kuka arm differential dynamic programming and unscented dynamic programming C++ implementation is available here.
  • Code of Kuka arm torque control, direct collocation planning, lumped parameter based system identification are available here.

Building drake procedure from source is instructed here. Please feel free to drop me emails if you are interested in the source codes above. It would be my pleasure to discuss, instruct, and provide more details. Please follow general license restrictions for any purpose of code copies and redistribution. Please cite Drake properly in your academic publications.