Polio PLus

As we approach the end of 2012 and welcome our own families to our Christmas table, might I encourage your Rotary members to pause and think of the children in the many poorer countries in our world who urgently need our help.

Since 1979 when we started to take the fight against the Polio virus in the Philippines, Rotarians have continued to fight this evil, faithfully. RI backed the program in 1985 and because of Rotary members insistence, the UN, UNESCO and many other world bodies have joined us. Now ,we are within reach of ridding the world of the dreaded disease, the fight takes on a new dimension. WE MUST FINISH THE FIGHT.

Just $15 buys 25 doses of vaccine,

$25 buys 50 posters encouraging parents to get their children immunized.

$350 buys 350 Vaccine carriers. Small 6 pack size polystyrene carriers to keep the vaccine cold, even in the remotest village.

India is clear, Nigeria is so close and the fight continues in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Just as the Queensland State of Origin teams keep trying to the final siren, so too must we Rotarians. Don't let us slacken off at the last hurdle. Keep raising funds for Polio Plus and send the money off to the Polio Plus team.

I hope you all have a great Christmas and you and your families enjoy the many things we in Australia often take for granted.

Merry Christmas, Derek MCGrath, Polio Plus Chair, District 9570