Capricorn Coast Secondary Schools Music Festival - Finale

Click to watch the finale

The Rotary Club of Yeppoon coordinated The Capricorn Coast Secondary Schools Music Festival; a major event for students from Yeppoon State High School, St. Ursula’s College and St. Brendan’s College to showcase their music abilities. It culminated on Saturday 27th August in a gala concert at St. Brendan’s College Chapel and Performing Arts Centre.

The gala concert involved concert bands, jazz bands, orchestras and choirs of the three schools interspersed with solos, duets, trios, quartets and small ensembles.

The finale piece composed by students from The Conservatorium of Music, Brisbane, involved every student who had taken part in the Music Festival. This comprised an orchestra of approximately 150 and a choir of 25.In the week leading up to the 27th August, the Conservatorium of Music students, Jack Jones and Sara Rentuol (their profiles are given in the program below), worked with the schools to prepare them for the concert and especially the finale. Yamaha Music Australia also provided a specialist,Dr Rob McWilliams to work with the teaching staff of the schools in that week.

Many thanks to Brittany Lauga member for Keppel, Moore Eyes Optometry and The Livingstone Shire Council for their generous sponsorship. Without them we would not have had the Conservatorium of Music Students and their wonderful finale.

Also a big thank you to the Rotarians for their help with the food van on the day and working the door etc.