Ofxtools on Debian 10

I’ve had great difficulty getting ofxtools up on my Debian 10 system. This is because (I think) it has python 2.7 by default. I have no idea why Debian 10 is still 2.7 based, but I am sure there are good reasons.

I have learned that one can run different versions of python with python virtual environments. The original source of my knowledge is from:


The first step is to install virtual environements.

sudo apt-get install python3-venv

Then we can setup the virtual environment with:

$HOME~$ python3 -m venv myenv source ./myenv/bin/activate python –version Wheel for pip doesn’t seem like it is intalled, so on my system I needed to: pip install wheel Then: pip install ofxtools Now it appears that ofxtools CAN work: ofxget list The bank of interest for me is TD Ameritrade TD Ameritrade ameritrade-alt 425 I used USERNAME=myrealaccountnumbernotmywebloginnamethen ofxget stmt ameritrade-alt -u $MYUSERNAME –all > out.ofx

when prompted, use the PIN NUMBER you setup in TD Ameritrade's wep interface.