
My research focuses on applying powerful mathematical tools mostly borrowed from information theory, probability theory, abstract algebra, graph theory, and algebraic number theory to solve practical problems in communication systems or communication networks that have engineering importance. I have been working intensively on lattices, lattice codes, and their applications to physical-layer network coding. Recently, I have been working on various potential techniques for beyond 5G communications. My most recent interests include new applications of coding theory to data science, machine learning, and internet of things. 

I have always had broad research interests and I constantly look for interesting new problems. My focus was largely on solving interesting problems motivated by real communication systems from an information-theoretic perspective. My publications perhaps provide a finer look.

Current Interests

Current projects

Past projects

NSTC = National Science and Technology Council = 國科會

MOST = Ministry of Science and Technology = 科技部

MTK = Mediatek = 聯發科技

ITRI = Industrial Technology Research Institute = 工研院

III = Institute for Information Industry = 資策會

ARC = Australian Research Council