
The Herbarium of I. N. Garin Society for Studying of the Flora of the Yaroslavl oblast was established in June 2014. In July 2016 the Herbarium has received the acronym GARIN and in September 2016 the herbarium received the name of "Herbarium of the flora of the Yaroslavl oblast". The database of the Herbarium records is made in MS Access. Inseration of the specimens is carried out in accordance with modern systems – Lumbsch, Huhndorf (2007) for Lichen; Konstantinova, Bakalin, Andrejeva etc. (2009) for Liverworts; Ignatov, Afonina, Ignatova etc. (2006) for Mosses; Christenhusz, Chase (2014) for Fern; Christenhusz, Reveal, Farjon etc. (2011) for Gymnosperms; APG IV (2016).

Specialty: the flora of the Yaroslavl oblast.

Duplicate material is sent to others Herbaria, in particular:

The Herbarium of V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute (LE);

The Herbarium of D. P. Syreishikov, Moscow State University (MW);

The Herbarium of the Tsytsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of Russian Academy of Sciences (MHA);

The Herbarium of I. D. Papanin Institute of Biology of Inland Waters of Russian Academy of Sciences (IBIW);

The Herbarium of P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University (YAR);

The Herbarium of K. D. Ushinsky Yaroslavl Pedagogical University (USPIY);

The Herbarium of the State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve, Yaroslavl;

The Herbarium of the Rybinsk State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum Preserve, Rybinsk;

The Herbarium of Tver State University (Department of Botany);

The Herbarium of the Vyatka State University of Humanities, Kirov;

Neighboring Countries:

The Herbarium of Belarusian State University (MSKU);

The Herbarium of Floristic Museum of the T. G. Shevchenko Transdniestria state University.

At present (30 January 2024) the collection of the Herbarium includes 22,422 specimens including in the following collections:

The Main Fund (Yaroslavl oblast) (10,274 specimens);

The General Fund (1,691 specimens);

Section of Bryophytes (7,357 specimens);

Section of Fungus: Ascomycota (1,793 specimens - mostly Lichens) and Basidiomycota (437 specimens - mostly Polypore);

Section of Fruits and Seeds (323 specimens);

Duplicate Fund (385 specimens).

How you can extend financial support:

Transfer money by phone number +7-901-050-32-93 to a VTB, Sber, Alfa-Bank, Rosselkhoznadzor or Ozon-bank card

PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/GarinEV/

Yandex-money: 410014035833096

Yandex-money (ЮMoney): 4048 4150 2907 0816
