Contact information:
The Priory Road Complex, 12 Priory Road, BS8 1TU Bristol
yanos.zylberberg (at)
Migrants and Firms: Evidence from China (with C. Imbert, M. Seror and Y. Zhang)--paper--appendix, American Economic Review, 112 (6): 1885-1914, 2022.
Menu of Insurance for the Unemployed (with R. Barnichon)--paper--appendix--replication, The Review of Economic Studies, 89(1): 118–141, 2022.
East Side Story: Historical Pollution and Persistent Neighborhood Segregation (with S. Heblich and A. Trew)--paper, Journal of Political Economy, 109(5): 1508-1552, 2021.
Environmental Risk and the Anchoring Role of Local Production (with R. Coulomb)--paper--appendix--replication, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 8.3: 509-542, 2021.
Under-Employment and the Trickle-Down of Unemployment (with R. Barnichon)--paper--appendix--replication, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 11(2): 40-78, 2019.
War, Migration and the Origins of the Thai Sex Industry, (with A. Brodeur and W. Lekfuangfu)--paper--appendix, Journal of the European Economic Association, 16(5): 1540-1576, 2018.
Protests and Trust in the State: Evidence from African Countries (with M. Sangnier)--paper--appendix, Journal of Public Economics, 152: 55-67, 2017.
Austerity and Tax evasion: Theory and Evidence from Greece (with F. Pappada)--paper, European Economic Review, 100: 506-524, 2017.
Star Wars: the Empirics Strike Back (with A. Brodeur, M. Lé and M. Sangnier)--paper--appendix--replication, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 8(1): 1-32, 2016.
Internal Labor Migration as a Shock Coping Strategy: Evidence from a Typhoon (with A. Groeger)--paper--replication, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 8(2): 123-53, 2016.
Work in progress
Floating Population: Migration with(out) Family and the Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity (with C. Imbert, J. Monras and M. Seror)--paper.
Cool Cities: The Value of Urban Trees (with L. Han, S. Heblich and C. Timmins)--paper.
Industrial Clusters in the Long Run: Evidence from Million-Rouble Plants (with S. Heblich, M. Seror and H. Xu)--paper.
The Distributional Consequences of Trade: Evidence from the Grain Invasion (with S. Heblich and S. Redding)--paper--appendix.
The Dynamics of Informality and Fiscal Policy under Sovereign Risk (with F. Pappada)--paper, R&R, Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics.
The Death and Life of Great British Cities (with S. Heblich, D. Nagy and A. Trew)--paper.
The Pick of the Crop: Agricultural Practices and Clustered Networks in Village Economies (with A. Groeger)--paper, conditionally accepted, Journal of the European Economic Association.
Nation-building and Mass Migration: Evidence from Mandatory Palestine (with L. Panza)--paper.
Invited contributions
Urban economics in a historical perspective: Recovering data with machine learning (with P. Combes and L. Gobillon)--paper, Regional Science and Urban Economics (special edition), 2022.