I am Professor of Economics at Sciences Po (Paris), on leave from the University of Warwick
I am also Research Affiliate at BREAD, CEPR, EUDN and JPAL.
My research interests: Development, Environment, Labor, Public, and Political economy.
Click here to read my latest CV.
My email address is clement.imbert `at' sciencespo.fr
Office hours please book here
My advisee Sam Marshall is on the job market this year! Check out his profile here: https://sites.google.com/view/samuelmarshall/home
My paper Take-up of Social Benefits: Experimental Evidence from France (with Laura Castell, Marc Gurgand and Todor Tochev) is now Conditionally accepted at the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Working Papers:
Floating population: migration with(out) family and the spatial distribution of economic activity (with Joan Monras, Marlon Seror and Yanos Zylberberg)
Rural Migrants and Urban Informality: Evidence from Brazil (with Gabriel Ulyssea) [CEPR]
2nd Revision requested at Econometrica
Voter's awareness of social insurance programs impacts electoral candidature: Experimental evidence from India (with Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Rohini Pande)
Revision requested at the Journal of Political Economy: Microeconomics
How do beliefs and preferences over jobs affect enrollment in vocational training: Experimental evidence from India (with Apurav Yash Bhatiya, Bhaskar Chakravorty, and Roland Rathelot)
Revision Requested at the European Economic Review
Work in Progress:
Deforestation and Structural Transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa (with Kenneth Houngbdeji, Sam Marshall, Julien Wolfersberger, and Liam Wren-Lewis)
Dry Lives: Climate Adaptation and Mortality in the Semi-arid Regions of Brazil (with Diogo Britto, Breno Sampaio, Gabriel Ulyssea, and Alexandre Fonseca