Assistant Professor in Economics at the University of Birmingham, UK
Affiliations: J-PAL (Invited Researcher) and CAGE (Warwick)
CV: click here
Research Areas: Political Economy, Development Economics, and Migration
Email: a.y.bhatiya@bham.ac.uk or apuravbhatiya@gmail.com
Twitter: @apuravbhatiya
Google Scholar Page: click here
Can Information about Jobs Improve the Effectiveness of Vocational Training? Experimental Evidence from India (with Bhaskar Chakravorty, Wiji Arulampalalm, Clément Imbert and Roland Rathelot). Journal of Development Economics, 169 (2024): 103273 [Paper] [Replication]
Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on India's Rural Youth: Evidence from a Panel Survey and an Experiment with Bhaskar Chakravorty, Clément Imbert, Maximilian Lohnert, Poonam Panda and Roland Rathelot. World Development, 168 (2023): 106242. [Paper] [Replication]
Working Papers:
Behavioral Voters in Synchronized Elections: Evidence from India (with Vimal Balasubramaniam and Sabyasachi Das) [Replication]
Revise & Resubmit at the Journal of Comparative EconomicsWhen do Voters `Rally Around The Flag?' The Salience of Political Messages (with Yatish Arya)
Revise & Resubmit at the Journal of Public Economics
Award: Best Paper Award, King's India Institute Graduate Conference 2021Do Enfranshised Immigrants Affect Politicians' Behaviour?
Award: Best Graduate Paper, POLECONUK Annual Conference 2022
How do beliefs and preferences over jobs affect enrollment in vocational training: Experimental evidence from India (with Bhaskar Chakravorty, Clément Imbert and Roland Rathelot)
AEA RCT Registry
Trust in scientists and their role in society across 68 countries (with Viktoria Cologna, Niels G. Mede and many others as collaborator on global study for Trust in Science and Science-Related Populism)
Accepted at Nature Human BehaviourPerceptions of Science, Science Communication, and Climate Change Attitudes in 68 Countries: The TISP Dataset (with Viktoria Cologna, Niels G. Mede and many others as collaborator on global study for Trust in Science and Science-Related Populism)
Accepted at Scientific Data
Work in Progress:
Descriptive to Substantive Representation of Ethnic Minorities in the UK Parliament (with William Dinneen, Guy Grossman and Stephanie Zonszein)
Minority Political Representation and Immigrants Integration (with Hillel Rapoport and Sarah Schneider-Strawczynski)
Media Engagement of Research:
Blogs/Articles: Broadstreet Blog; CASI (India in Transition); DC Journal; Economics Observatory; Ideas for India; Mint; Sunday Express; The Hindu; The Indian Express; The Wire