
  1. Yan JIANG: Introduction to linguistics, lectures given at SOAS, London, 2020. [38 lectures] Scan the QR code at the end of this page to access all the lecture slides.

  2. Yan JIANG: Issues in semantics. Intermediate to Advanced lectures given at SOAS, London, 2023. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

  3. Yan JIANG: Shanghai Wu, Invited pre-recorded video presentation for Introducing the languages of China, School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences, Trinity Centre for Asian Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Aug. 2021

  4. Yan JIANG: Analyzing Modern Shanghainese Through Missionary Scripts. Online talk presented at Chinese Dialects Festival, Moscow, August, 2021

  5. Yan JIANG: Language for Lockdown: Shanghainese, Part of the Language for Lockdown Series, SOAS, University of London, July 2020.

  6. Yan JIANG: The languages of China: Uniqueness and Rationale, Guest Lecture for SOAS Module The Languages of the World. (online presentation) 16/03/2021

  7. Yan JIANG: Deixis in pragmatics vs indexicals in semantics: on two sets of parameters for characterizing deictic expressions. Invited Talk on semantics and pragmatics, Beijing University of Science and Technology. (online presentation) July 13th, 2021

  8. Yan JIANG: Conditionals: representation and interpretation. Invited Talk on semantics and pragmatics, Beijing University of Science and Technology. (online presentation) July 20th, 2021

  9. Yan JIANG: Comprehending meaning: introducing a range of notions at semantics-pragmatics interface. Invited Talk on semantics and pragmatics, Beijing University of Science and Technology. (online presentation) July 6th, 2021

  10. Yan JIANG: Much Ado about dou [All/even] in Mandarin Chinese. Talk given at Linguistics Seminar, Department of Linguistics, SOAS University of London, 2016.