
PhD Students

 Thesis title:"Results on Artin and twisted Artin groups".  

Islam has studied the geodesic growth of some right angled Artin and Coxeter groups, has solved the word problem for a class of twisted Artin groups and studied the intersection of parabolic subgroups of even Artin groups of FC-Type. Islam is currently a postdoc the university of  East Anglia

Xabier has studied groups with constricting elements. He has shown that there is a gap between the growth rate of a group with a constricting element and those of its quasi-convex subgroups of infinite index. Also he has shown that the growth rate of such group and the growth rate of the Scheier graph with respect to a quasi-convex subgroup  of infinite index are equal.  He has studied the permanence of uniform exponenctial growth under small cancellation quotients.

Hang Lu is the complexity of formal languages defining positive cones. She has found new examples of groups with finitely generated and regular positive cones.