YACS Net Preamble



QST, QST, QST, this is (YOUR CALL SIGN), net control station for this Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service net.  This net operates on 146.780 MHz at 7:00 PM Mountain Standard Time each Wednesday evening by the authority of the FCC and the Yuma County Office of Emergency Management.

This is a directed net, activated for the purpose of training, emergency communications, and for the exchange of information.  Please do not transmit unless invited to do so by net control.  Break with your call sign at any time if you have emergency traffic.

Is there any emergency traffic?

Are there any stations with traffic or QSTs?

The format of this net is that I will call for member check-ins first, then I will call for late members, followed by visitor check-ins.  Member check-ins will be by letter groups using the first letter of your call sign suffix.  Groups are A thru H, I thru M, N thru R, and S thru Z.

Members with suffixes starting with A thru H, please check-in now.

Members with suffixes starting with I thru M, please check-in now.

Members with suffixes starting with N thru R, please check-in now.

Members with suffixes starting with S thru Z, please check-in now.

Any late or missed members wishing to check-in, please check-in now.

Any visitors wishing to check-in, please check-in now.

 The Net Control Station for next week’s net will be:  ____________________

This is (YOUR CALL SIGN) closing the net at (CURRENT TIME) Mountain Standard Time. Thank you all for your participation.  

Forward your list of check-ins to yuma.yacs@gmail.com

Thank you for volunteering to be net control.                                                                       

Rev 06/04/2020