6. Seismic imaging of double magma reservoirs at Great Sitkin volcano

Paper link: 

News by Purdue EAPS: 

5. An M3.8 earthquake occurred  in Indiana on June 17, 2021

The afternoon of June 17, 2021, was shaken by an earthquake in west-central Indiana with a magnitude of 3.8. I spent some time talking with the media to help the public understand the earthquake and the general seismic hazard in Indiana. Here is  one covered by WISH-TV:

4. Alaska subduction zone and volcanic activity

Thanks to Cheryl Pierce at Purdue EAPS for writing an excellent report on our recent paper about the Alaska subduction zone and the volcanic activity. See the release here:

The story written by Jan Lathrop at UMass News Room was grabed by 4 news websites and 2 science blogs ( 

Here is the report on (

3. Adirondacks paper press release

Thanks to Jan Lathrop at UMass for writing the press release on our recent Adirondack Mountains paper published on GRL. Here are the links to the press release on UMass News (, EurekAlert (, on (, and AGU GeoSpace blog (

2. Present on PBS Kids TV program The Friday Zone by WTIU at Indiana University, talking about earthquake monitoring (jump to time: 16:40)

1. News coverage of the seismicity paper in central U.S.

My research paper on the Ste. Genevieve seismic zone is getting some nice press coverage.  You can see it on the IUB press release at:

My PhD advisor Gary Pavlis (one of the co-authors of the paper) was on St. Louis Public radio telling the story: