
  • Our paper on Alaska subduction zone has been published on JGR. See the news report here:

  • Our article on crustal modification during continental rifting has been published on GRL. Gao, H., X. Yang, M. Long, and J. Aragon (2020). Seismic Evidence for Crustal Modification Beneath the Hartford Rift Basin in the Northeastern United States, Geophysical Research Letters,

  • Joined Boilermaker team! August 17, 2020

  • Starting June 2019, I will be working as a Research Associate at Harvard University in Dr. Marine Denolle's group. That is so exciting!

  • Our paper on OBS data quality analysis has been published in SRL - January 03, 2019

Link here:

  • Our Adirondacks story was selected by UMass Magazine Fall 2018 - November 28, 2018

Check here:

  • Adirondacks paper made GRL cover story - Jul 17, 2018

Our Adirondack Mountains paper published in GRL last month was selected as the cover story of GRL's latest issue on July 13, 2018 (Volume 45, Issue 12).

Link for the issue:

Link for the article:

  • Press release on our Adirondacks paper — Jun 26, 2018

Thanks to Jan Lathrop at UMass for writing the press release on our recent Adirondack Mountains paper published on GRL. Here is the link to the press release on UMass News (, EurekAlert (, on (, and AGU GeoSpace blog (


  • Invited talk at UIUC - October 1, 2020

  • Invited talk at MIT EAPS - February 21, 2020

The talk is available online throug Youtube (a few minites missing at the beginning due to some technical issues):

  • Invited talk at SSA Annual Meeting - April 25, 2019

Session: Central and Eastern North America and Intraplate Regions Worldwide

Title: Imaging the Cratonic Lithosphere beneath the Illinois Basin and the Adirondack Mountains

Time & location: 11:45 am in room Pike.

  • Invited talk at SSA Annual Meeting - April 25, 2019

Session: Imaging Subduction Zones

Title: Seismic Evidence of Mantle Wedge Controls on Volcano Distribution along Aleutian-Alaska

Time & location: 2:30 pm in room Cascade II

  • Invited talk at the University of Texas Insitute for Geophysics - February 25, 2019

Title: Seismic imaging of slab segmentation and its correlation with volcano distribution along the Aleutian-Alaska subduction zone

Time: 11 am

  • Talk at AGU Fall meeting 2018 - December, 2018

Title (S33A-06): The Cause and Effect of Slab Segmentation in the Aleutian-Alaska Subduction System

Time: Wednesday, 12 December 2018, 14:55 - 15:10

Location: Marriott Marquis; Independence D

  • Invited talk at South Dakota School of Mines & Technology - March, 2018

Title: Study the Structure and Evolution of the Lithosphere using Large Seismic Arrays

  • IRIS Workshop — June, 2018

Getting ready for the IRIS workshop in June 11-14, 2018. I will be presenting our new, exciting high-resolution seismic tomographic results in Alaska.

  • NEGSA — March, 2018

NEGSA is the next on my list! Getting ready for two talks. * NEGSA: Northeastern section of Geological Society of America annual meeting.