
Dr. Xue’s lab is focused on studying molecular mechanisms for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colorectal cancer (CRC). He utilizes cell line and enteroid cultures, mouse models, patient tissues and a wide array of molecular and biochemical methodologies. Several ongoing projects in the lab include:

  • Why are micronutrients essential for cancer cell growth?
  • How does mitochondrial metabolism regulate the progress of cancer?
  • Whether stress activated pathways play a role in cancer cell metabolism?
  • What role does hypoxia signaling have in intestinal inflammation and colorectal cancer?
  • What is the critical link between nutrient homeostasis, inflammation and cancer?

Representative Research Projects

1. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Gastroenterology. 2013 Oct;145(4):831-41.)

2. Iron Metabolism and Colorectal Cancer (Cell Metab. 2016. Sep 13;24(3)447-461.)