AGM 2023 Minutes


      Brockweir, Hewelsfield and St. Briavels Garden Society

Minutes of the 38th Annual General Meeting

Friday, 17th. November 2023

Meeting opened at 7.38p.m.

1. Apologies

Apologies were given from the following;

Sally Secret

Sue Davis

Gillian Morris

Sue Porter-Davison

Graham and Lynn Wicks

Pearl and Phillip Bradney

Judie Craven

Mike Topp

Irene Reid

2. Chairman’s Remarks and Annual Report

The Chairman addressed the meeting, saying that his Annual Report was available to all members on the Society’s website. As a brief summary he mentioned;

a. Thanks to Sue Davis and Nicole Surrell and all their helpers and donors of plants and refreshments for helping to make the annual Plant Sale a successful event. It helped to raise significant funds for the Society despite a slightly lower number of plants donated for sale. It was felt that the cold, wet Spring weather had not helped this.

b. The Society had an excellent programme of talks and events this year, with special thanks to Christine Haines for her wonderful organisational skills and planning putting the programme together

c. 1200+ trees were successfully distributed.

d. The events programme for 2024 has been posted on the website.

e. Summer Show 2024;  Sally and Mary have agreed to organise and run the proposed resurrected show for September 2024. 

3. Minutes of the AGM of Friday, 18th. November, 2022

The minutes of the last AGM were reviewed. There were no queries on these minutes.

4. Adoption of the minutes

It was agreed unanimously by a show of hands that the Minutes of the 2022 AGM should be adopted.

5. Matters arising from the minutes


6. Treasurer’s Report for the Year 2022/23

Sue Davis, the Treasurer, was unable to attend the meeting, so the Chairman summarised the report from notes offered by Sue. The accounts had been checked by the auditor and provisionally passed, although had yet to be finalised. This is due to the debate as to whether Dave Goulson’s talk in Monmouth should be recorded in the previous year’s accounts or for this report. The account balance had risen from £4,400 to £5100 over the course of the accounting year.   

The Chairman briefly outlined the main sources of income and expenditure for the year;


Subscriptions £570

Visitors £ 25

Plant sale £900

Theatre events £500


Speakers £964

Hire of facilities £130

Miscellaneous £ 85.50


There were no queries on the accounts.

7. Adoption of the Treasurer’s Report

The report was adopted unanimously by a show of hands.

8. Election of “Auditor”

It was proposed that David Wedell should be re-appointed as accounts “reviewer” to the Society for the 2023/24 financial year. This was passed unanimously by the membership on a show of hands. 

9. Election of Officers and Committee Members \

The current committee then all stood down. Patrick Mills proposed that all immediate former officers and committee members be re-elected to their posts “en bloc”. This was passed by a unanimous show of hands by the membership.

The newly elected committee, therefore, is as follows;


Chairman Mike Weeks

Vice-chairman and Treasurer Sue Davis

Secretary Martin Morris

Committee Members

Programme Secretary Christine Haines

Membership Secretary Nicole Surrell

Member Gill Morris

The Chairman offered his thanks to the committee for all their efforts and hard work throughout the year. He invited any member, present or absent, to come forward if they wished to volunteer as a future committee member. If so, they should contact any member of the current committee.

10. Any Other Business. 

There were no further comments or queries from the “floor” and the meeting was closed at 7.47 p.m.