Service to the Profession
Invited to review proposals for the Kentucky Science and Technology Foundation (2017, 2016).
NSF Panelist/Proposal Reviewer
Technical Committee Member: IWCMC-SICM 2019 (SICM 2019-Smart Infrastructures for Crowd Management).
Technical Committee Member: 2018 ACM RACS Conference
Technical Committee Member: 2017 IEEE COMPSAC-eIoT Workshop
Technical Committee Member: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology.
Technical Committee Member: Elsevier Computer Communications.
Technical Committee Member: Colombian Journal of Computer Science.
Technical Committee Member: Prospective Magazine. Universidad Autonoma del Caribe, Barranquilla.
Reviewer ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
Reviewer Elsevier Journal of Digital Communications and Networks.
Reviewer Elsevier Journal of Computer Communications.
Reviewer Elsevier Journal of Networks and Computer Applications.
Reviewer IEEE Wireless Communications
Reviewer IEEE Transactions of Wireless Networks
Reviewer IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine
Reviewer IEEE Communication Letters
Reviewer IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
Reviewer MDPI Journal of Sensors
Reviewer MDPI Journal of Clinical Medicine
Reviewer MDPI Informatics
Reviewer MDPI Information
Reviewer Springer Journal of Wireless Network.
Reviewer Springer Journal of Scalable Computing and Communications.
Reviewer of the 2015, 2014 ASEE Anual Conference and Exposition
Reviewer of the 2014 IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium.
Reviewer of the 2011 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference.
Reviewer of the 2009, 2008 IEEE ICC Conference.
Reviewer Journal of Engineering and Research, Universidad del Norte, Colombia.
Service to the Community
Columbus, GA (current)
Consultant for the Muscogee County School District’s Teacher Academy for Coding and Robotics. 2016.
Visited Elementary/Middle/High schools to promote CS Education in GA.
Judge for the FIRST Lego League. 2015.
Instructor for the Activ8 workshop on Mobile Programming using AppInventor.
Mentor of Columbus High School Students’ Senior Project in Mobile Programming using AppInventor.
Member of the Columbus Community Orchestra. Currently playing tenor and soprano saxophones.
New Mexico (past)
Invited Talk. “An Introduction to Data Mining”. NM Summer Middle and High School Teaching Institute. July 2013.
Invited Talk “An Introduction to Computational Thinking”. Computational Thinking Symposium. Santa Fe Institute, December 2013.
Judge for the NM Super Computing Challenge. NM Super Computing Challenge is a competition in Computer Science for middle and high school students. 2012, 2013, 2014.
Invited by U.S. Congressional Representative The Honorable Ben Lujan to participate in a Week Of Code event in Santa Fe High School, December 2013.
Invited to other K12 classrooms to motivate Computer Science/Information Technology among kids in NM schools.
Participated in the NNMC Engineering day.
Member of Northern New Mexico College’s Jazz Big Band. Played 2nd Tenor Sax.
University of South Florida (past)
Participated with a demonstration of Wireless Sensor Networks and Location-based Services in the 2009 USF Engineering Expo.
Volunteer in the 2008 USF Engineering Expo.
Service to the TSYS School of Computer Science at Columbus State University (past)
Selected with three other faculty university-wide to create and implement a plan for High-impact Practices (HIPs) at CSU and be representatives of these efforts from CSU at the University System of Georgia (USG) (2021 - 2022).
Chair Undergraduate Programs Committee TSYS School of Computer Science (2020 - 2021).
Department Representative at the University-level Scholastic Honors Committee (2016 - 2020).
Member of the Assurance of Learning Committee College Level).
Member of the Graduate Committee (2016, 2015, Departmental Level).
Academic Advisor for the School of Computer Science.
Service to the Department of Engineering at Northern New Mexico College (past)
Support of the ABET accreditation process for the Bachelor of Information Engineering Technology under the ABET ETAC commission. Duties included assessment of six (6) classes, writing two criteria chapters of the self-study report, and final edition of the self-study. ABET visit occurred in September 2013 with no weaknesses or concerns reported in the preliminary visit report. This program was accredited by the ABET ETAC commission in August 1st 2014 for six years.
Academic Advisor for the Department of Engineering.
Founder and Director, Mobile Computing and Sensing Lab.
Service to Northern New Mexico College
Member of the Institutional Review Board (2011 – 2013).
Member of the Faculty Senate (2012 – 2014).
Member of the Information Technology Advisory Group (2011 – 2012).