Albums: DANCE Festivals

American Dance Guild Dance Festival hold an annual festival in New York City with work by 30-40 choreographers from around the globe. My honor to be the festival photographer since 2016.

Dumbo Dance Festival showcase the work of average about 75 emerging and established choreographers/dance companies from across the USA and abroad. My honor to be the festival photographer since 2007.

DANCE NOW Festival at Joe's Pub features about 40 emerging and established choreographers/dance companies through the unique limitations of the pub’s intimate cabaret setting. My honor to be the dance series photographer since 2014.

Soaking Wet brings together artists of varied backgrounds and levels of experience in order to break down aesthetic barriers and achieve mutual inspiration. My honor to be the dance series photographer since 2014.

CoolNY Dance Festival (2004-2014) was a two-weekend long dance festival showcase the work of average about 50 emerging and established choreographers/dance companies from across the USA and abroad . My honor to be the festival photographer from 2007 to 2014.