Annual Meeting 2020

October 3, 2020 — WSAP Adjourned Annual Meeting, Board Meeting, and Fall Educational Workshops

Adjourned Annual Meeting: The Adjourned WSAP Annual Meeting will be held Saturday, October 3, 2020, at 9:00 A.M., at Maple Park Church, 17620 60th Ave. W, Lynnwood, Washington. There will be no registration fee. Due to the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and possible meeting restrictions, this meeting will conduct only essential business, including election of the Nominating Committee, election of the Member-at-Large Representative to the Board of Directors to serve the remainder of the term, and adoption of several important bylaws amendments. 

While all WSAP members who wish to attend may do so (space and government-imposed meeting restrictions allowing), it is assumed that most members will choose not to attend to minimize exposure risk. Members willing to attend to help meet the quorum requirement are requested to contact President John Berg at or 206-414-2547. 

In the event a quorum cannot be attained within a reasonable time after convening, the meeting will be adjourned sine die. In that event, the Nominating Committee will be appointed by the Board of Directors under the vacancyfilling provisions of the bylaws, the MAL representative previously appointed by the board to fill the vacancy pending election will continue in office until the 2021 Annual Meeting, and the proposed bylaws amendments will be held for consideration at the 2021 Annual Meeting. 


Fall Board Meeting: The WSAP Board of Directors will meet Saturday, October 3, 2020, at 1:00 P.M,, via Zoom. All WSAP members are invited to observe the meeting, but only board members will be allowed to speak (unless otherwise allowed by the board) or vote. 

See link to the Zoom meeting in the WSAP Members Only web site at:


Educational Workshops: 

The following educational workshops will be held Saturday, October 3, 2020, beginning at 2:00 P.M., via Zoom. The meeting URL for the workshops also is There will be no registration fee. 

See link to the Zoom meeting in the WSAP Members Only web site at:

Guests may obtain the link from the WSAP member inviting them, or contact:

Newsletter Editor - Weldon Merritt -


Secretary - Lynda Schram -

2:00 P.M.: Weldon Merritt, PRP, CPP, with Interviewer Sean Schilke, The Code of Professional Responsibility for Parliamentarians: What You Should Know. On August 1, 2020, the American Institute of Parliamentarians, at its Annual Session, adopted a revision to the joint AIP/NAP Code of Ethics for Parliamentarians, including changing the title to Code of Professional Responsibility for Parliamentarians, and with a proviso that it will not become effective until it is adopted by NAP. The NAP Board of Directors is expected to consider the revision, and almost certainly adopt it, within the next few months. This workshop will acquaint members with the provisions of the revised code, and why it matters to all members and not just those who normally practice as parliamentarians. 

3:00 P.M.: Paul McClintock, PRP, CP-T, with Interviewer Joshua Schreck, RONR 12th Edition: Whats New in It? The 12th edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised will be introduced during the virtual NAP Training Conference at the end of this month, with an official effective date of September 1, 2020.  This workshop will cover some of the changes from the current 11th edition, providing a valuable review of the RONR authorship team’s presentation at the NTC, plus Q&A on any hot topics of special interest to attendees. 

4:00 P.M.: Panel Discussion with Moderator Lynda Schram, The Whys and Hows of Virtual Meetings. This will be a moderated question and answer session about virtual meetings. When are they appropriate? What are some advantages and disadvantages? What rules are necessary to authorize them? What special rules of order may be needed? Bring your questions, and we will try to provide answers.