About Washington State Association of Parliamentarians

The Washington State Association of Parliamentarians (WSAP) was chartered on July 18, 1961 as a constituent division of the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP). NAP, organized in 1930, is the oldest and largest professional non-profit association of parliamentarians in the world. NAP is divided into eight districts; WSAP is in District 7.

The primary goals of NAP and WSAP are to teach, promote, and disseminate the philosophy and principles underlying the rules of deliberative assemblies. The NAP website provides some basics of parliamentary procedure.

WSAP provides educational workshops in parliamentary procedure open to the public at its annual meeting in April and at its mid-year board meeting. Additional workshops may also be scheduled. See our event calendar for a list of upcoming workshops.

Board of Directors

WSAP officers are elected at the annual meeting in April. Officers for 2023-2025 are:

Unit representatives on the board of directors, for the same term:

Member-at-large representative on the board of directors, for the same term:

Other Leaders

Positions for the same term:

Standing Committee chairmen for the same term:

Special Committee chairmen:

Delegates to the 2023 NAP Convention:
(Bylaw X.3: The president will fill any vacancies by appointment....)

How to Join WSAP

View our membership flier here.

Any member of NAP may join WSAP. To join NAP, one must demonstrate a basic knowledge of parliamentary procedure. The standard way this is done is by passing a membership examination administered by NAP. The exam consists of 44 questions based on Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised In Brief, 3rd Edition.  A study guide with 100 sample questions is downloadable from the NAP website.

Any individual preparing for NAP membership may join WSAP as a provisional member, with the right to attend WSAP meetings and participate in debate, but not vote. Provisional members of WSAP may or may not also be provisional members of a local NAP unit affiliated with WSAP. Prospective provisional members may contact the WSAP Treasurer for directions on payment of dues.  See printable application form.

NAP members who are primary members of another constituent association of NAP may join WSAP as an affiliate member. Contact the WSAP Treasurer for directions on payment of dues. See printable application form.

A member achieving the Registered Parliamentarian (RP) designation does so by demonstrating a more thorough knowledge of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised by passing the 5-part registration examination.

An RP achieving the Professional Registered Parliamentarian (PRP) designation does so by demonstrating an ability to preside, serve as a meeting parliamentarian, and teach parliamentary procedure at a two-day Professional Qualifying Course.

Our Governing Documents

The Bylaws contain our basic organization and structure.

The Standing Rules contain more detailed financial policies, committee duties, and other operating procedures.

The Special Rules of Order for Membership Meetings contain rules akin to convention standing rules.

The Special Rules of Order for Board and Committee Meetings contain board & committee meeting rules.

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