Web 2.0 Favorites

*** Animation ***

Blabberize - http://blabberize.com - add a voice to picture that you have uploaded; account necessary

Doink - http://www.doink.com - create your own flash-style animations (iPad-friendly)

Go Animate - http://goanimate.com - create a quick and easy animated video; account necessary

Voki - http://www.voki.com - create speaking avatars

*** Art and Creativity ***

BuiLD YouR WiLD SeLF - http://www.buildyourwildself.com - design your own human/animal character

Hero Machine - http://www.tbc.school.nz/elearning/localsites/hmachinefolder/heromachine.html - create your own Superhero

Jackson Pollock - http://jacksonpollock.org - create your very own 'Jackson Pollock-style' work of art (iPad app)

Jigsaw Planet - http://www.jigsawplanet.com - upload an image or file and turn it into a Jigsaw Puzzle

Marvel Superheroes - http://marvel.com/games/cyos - design your own 'Marvel-style' superhero

Picasso Head - http://www.picassohead.com - design your own 'Picasso-style' face

Recursive Drawing - http://recursivedrawing.com - a brand new drawing application - watch the video and try it out here

Sumo Paint - http://www.sumopaint.com/home/#app - online image editor and paint program

Wanted Posters - http://www.glassgiant.com/wanted - add your own picture to a wanted poster (iPad-friendly)

*** Backchannel Chat ***

TodaysMeet - http://todaysmeet.com - an online 'backchannel' chat site; easy to set up (iPad-friendly)

*** Collaboration Tools ***

Linoit - http://en.linoit.com - an online, collaborative sticky note application; account necessary (iPad app)

Padlet - http://padlet.com - an online, collaborative sticky note application; account necessary (iPad-friendly)

Voicethread - http://voicethread.com - a collaborative, multi-media slideshow; account necessary (iPad app)

*** Games and Activities ***

ABCYa - http://www.abcya.com - a site with graded activities, categorized by subject

Line Rider - http://fsk.deviantart.com/art/Line-Rider-beta-40255643 - a single-player online activity that explores laws of physics

Toy Theater - http://www.toytheater.com - a great website, offering a variety of activities in different subject areas

*** Charts and Graphs ***

Lucidchard - https://www.lucidchart.com - make your own flowcharts and mind-maps (iPad-friendly)

Bubblus - https://bubbl.us - another flowchart, mind-map tool

Create a Graph - great graphing creator (iPad-friendly)

*** Presentations ***

Glogster - http://edu.glogster.com - a creative visual learning platform to make online posters; account necessary

Prezi - http://prezi.com - a presentation tool that lets you organize and share your ideas in a zooming presentation!; account necessary (iPad app)

ThingLink - https://www.thinglink.com - create and share interactive images and videos

*** Words and Text ***

Free Rice - http://freerice.com - a U.N. site; through vocabulary building activities, you donate rice to the World Food Programme (iPad-friendly)

Museum Box - http://museumbox.e2bn.org - create a museum type display on any topic with text, images, video and more

Storybird - http://storybird.com - storybirds are short, art-inspired stories you can create, share, read and print; account necessary (iPad-friendly)

Storyjumper - http://www.storyjumper.com - create your own stories with text and images; account necessary

Tagxedo - http://www.tagxedo.com - create word clouds with chosen shapes, colours and fonts

Wordle - http://www.wordle.net - create beautiful word clouds

Word Cloud by ABCYa - http://www.abcya.com/word_clouds.htm - another word cloud generator

*** OSAPAC Licensed Web 2.0 Applications ***

Bitstrips for Schools - http://www.bitstripsforschools.com - create comic strip style comics with images, text, and collaboration opportunities - available free to all teachers in Ontario

Mindomo - https://www.mindomo.com - great tool for mind-mapping

*** Other ***

BatchGeo - http://batchgeo.com - place pins on a world map from data collected

Geoguessr - https://geoguessr.com - a 'where in the world' geographical guessing game (iPad-friendly)

TimeToast - http://www.timetoast.com - create a timeline using images, text and video

Twitter - http://twitter.com - create a class account to connect with other classes; share and learn from each other!