
The Best of the Best Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom

Trish Morgan

(@Tmorgan1234 )


Workshop Description: Web 2.0 tools are websites that allow for student and teacher collaboration, communication and creation. In this workshop, we will explore some of the best Web 2.0 tools for your classroom - websites that are accessible not only from any computer but many from iPads and other mobile devices as well. Come and learn about some great ways to engage students in creative projects, adaptable to many grades and subject areas.

Workshop Activities: The workshop activities page in the sidebar to the left is a list of activities that we have prepared for today's workshop. The Web 2.0 tools we selected are easy to use, free, may be used without setting up an account, and are adaptable to many grades and subject areas.

A List of Web 2.0 Favs: On this page, you will find links to the homepages of the Web 2.0 tools we will be exploring, categorized by type of application. These are the links that you may use to set up activities for your own students.
