8th International Workshop on Software Quality (WoSQ 2011)

Important: We extended the deadline for submissions to June 22!

Software becomes ever more feature-rich and thereby harder to distinguish based on its functionality. Quality now differentiates between similar software products. Specifying, constructing, and assuring quality has been under research for several decades and continues to be a long-term research area, because of its many facets and its complexity. Current national and international initiatives show that there is an active research community in academia and industry.

The series of workshops on software quality are a forum to discuss and advance the state-of-the-art research and practice in software quality. This year's edition of the workshop is co-located with the joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering and will bring some changes in the workshop format. We still have a keynote and paper presentations, but there is also a discussion session to bring up new topics and for the attendees to share their experiences.

We will have a keynote by Motoei AZUMA, emeritus professor at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, about the advances of the SQUaRE project, which works on the new software product quality standards series ISO 25000.