MOOC from IIT and software companies

Post date: Jul 26, 2013 8:48:52 AM

In the beginning, IITs will run three mini modules of a computer science course, including programming, algorithm, and data structures. Each module will have 12 lectures and there will be a total of 36 lectures over 12 weeks. Going forward, the plan is to repeat this model in VLSI (very large scale integration) embedded systems and other branches of engineering and general sciences.

People who take the courses will be eligible to write proctored exams for a minimal fee and get certificates. For the computer science courses, IIT will give certification.

For foundation courses, industry will give certificates. It could also be a joint certification with IITs. According to Andrew Thangaraj, associate professor of electrical engineering at IIT-Madras, "Students from second year onwards in science and engineering from any college can take the courses that will be offered multiple times a year.

Google is providing its Course Builder platform for hosting MOOCs. HackerRank will provide their web portal, where students can practise their programming assignments and get them verified and graded.

Cognizant will make available infrastructure at its training facilities during off-peak times, such as weekends, to enable students to take tests and get certified.