Don McKenna

On Common Ground

May 3 - July 6, 2017

Photograph by Don McKenna

For over four decades, with few exceptions and for very practical reasons, much of my work has been created close to home in the Midwest. Among the things I photograph are places where people live, work and play. And while I photograph digitally, I prefer the slower, more contemplative process when working with a 4x5 view camera. Initially, my interest in a potential subject is more visceral and I follow my instincts to a conclusion. I am attracted by the visual appeal and narrative possibilities of a place or thing. Perhaps it is the poetic nature of a structure or space itself. It may be the patina of age and the enigma of unrecorded history. Or it may simply be the magnificence of light and how it affects the complex shapes and colors of our human-made and natural world. Regardless, I work toward creating meaningful compositions that share my experience.

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Don McKenna grew up with three sisters and seven brothers in St. Louis, Missouri. He graduated with honors from the photography department of the Kansas City Art Institute. In addition to Mr. McKenna’s work as a creative photographer and other related professional experiences he has taught photography at the college level. Mr. McKenna’s work may be found in private and public collections in the United States and abroad.