Angie Jennings

Modern Streets of an Ancient Empire

November 3, 2017 - January 4, 2018

Photograph from Modern Streets of an Ancient Empire by Angie Jennings

I am a street photographer. What is street photography? It’s documentary. It’s a short story. It’s happenstance in a single image. It’s a moment in time that may not be repeated.

I enjoy the challenge of being up close to strangers without them knowing, or with them knowing and silently giving me permission to document them. I do street photography to document our world. I am a traditionalist. I leave the image intact as I see it. This is life, this is real, and this is who we are. I have taken these ideas wherever I go and apply them to whatever or whomever I photograph.

I look for humor, contradiction, mimicry, and I study how people are in social situations or in private moments. Maybe they wouldn’t think it’s the most flattering of images, but it could be the most real image of them.

This is real life, this is your life, and this is my life through the lens.

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Angie Jennings utilizes her photographic skills acquired over 20 years in various styles of the photographic medium to depict stories in a single image or series. Her images are a combination of digital, film, and photogravure. She lives and works in Kansas City and has exhibited nationally as well as internationally, Oregon, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Beijing.