Jacques Loeb

Credit: Emma Paulini

1859 - 1924

Jacques Loeb was a “German-born American biologist noted chiefly for his experimental work on artificial parthenogenesis (reproduction without fertilization).” He was famous for approaching the question “Does free will exist?” via scientific methods. While serving as heads of departments at University of Chicago, University of California and eventually Rockefeller University, much of Dr. Loeb’s experimental work was done at the MBL, including research developing sea urchin larvae from unfertilized eggs and the production of parthenogenetic frogs. “Loeb’s work was significant in showing that the initiation of cell division in fertilization was controlled chemically and was in effect separate from the transmission of hereditary traits. Loeb also is remembered for his work on the physiology of the brain, animal tropisms (involuntary orientations), regeneration of tissue, and the duration of life.”