know how ...

WE'VE got to know how our senses create morality or immorality 

We interact with others and our environment through our senses

Every action we make goes through our senses

To be ethical and virtuous 

- in a culture that's not - 

will always be a challenge

So, remember to check your senses:

Don't look, don't touch, and don't eat 

(that is, don't take part in immoral sex)

Don't listen and don't even smell 

(that is, don't 'check out' immoral sex)

Do we have 5 senses or 6?

Humans have 10 senses, or 5 that have 2 dimensions: 

physical and spiritual

Sexual urges that are the most difficult to control 

usually come through the spiritual senses

There are a lot of people in the afterlife 

who are still trying to act out their desires

Some people can't explain why 

their own sexual behavior is against their own ethics

Those who commit sexual crimes often cannot control their own actions

Our senses are the door openers

After the idea, image, or sensation gets inside, 

the imagination lights up

WE'VE got to learn how to control the doors of the senses 

- to shut out sexual immorality

Think about it:

If you like fish and you smell fish cooking,

you say, 

"That smells good! I want some!" 

If you don't like fish, you say, 

"That smells bad! I don't want any!"

What's the point about the smelly fish?

All kinds of things come through our senses

What matters is how we think about it

WE'VE got to stop thinking that immoral sex is exciting

WE'VE got to stop accepting it as 'manly' or 'womanly'

Things take the same route 

when they come through our spiritual senses

What matters is whether we continue thinking about it

WE'VE got to stop desire before it creates lust

WE'VE got to stop the mental images of it

Creating a culture of sexual ethics and virtues 

starts with each individual

Every person has their own challenges to face

Even moral people get caught in the 'thinking trap'

Anger or anxiety about sexually immoral behavior 

makes mental images

Keeping immoral pictures in our minds 

is the same as looking at pornography

Eventually that will influence our actions

WE'VE got to stop our own bad habits first

Then, WE'VE got to teach others how to overcome theirs

If you give a child a candy, then take it away, the child cries

But, if give a child a candy, then exchange it for a better one, the child doesn't cry

To simply stop sexually immoral thinking and habits is good, but difficult, to do

To replace the old thinking and habits with new thoughts and actions is better, 

and easier, to do

WE'VE got to think in ethical and virtuous ways

Then, WE'VE got to practice ethics and virtues in every way that affects our sexuality

WE'VE got to got to think, 

"Sexual altruism is wonderful - we want to have such beautiful hearts!"

WE'VE got to practice controlling the doors of the senses 

- to open ourselves to the ideals of our Creator

Jesus said it like this:

"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.'  

But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."  

(Matthew 5:27-28)