Find answers to some of your Frequently Asked Questions. If you have a question that is not answered here, please email us!
I'm not familiar with Blue Harbor Resort or the Sheboygan area. How long will it take to get there?
Coming from the Appleton area, Blue Harbor is approximately one hour and twenty minutes to the southeast. Weather and road conditions are always a factor, so plan accordingly.
This is my first time attending! I'm concerned that I may feel out of place. Any suggestions?
Please don't be concerned! We welcome and make a point of recognizing the new attendees ... because we are thrilled to have you! But don't worry about being singled out. And more importantly, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!
Do I need to bring my own food for the weekend?
Yes, and no! The retreat starts on Friday night, and the opening session usually lasts until about 9:30. You may want to bring some snacks for your room if you plan to stay up late and socialize. After you register for the retreat, watch for your confirmation letter that will provide more information about what to bring.
Saturday breakfast and lunch & Sunday breakfast: You are on your own for breakfast and lunch on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. There are a variety of dining options within Blue Harbor and in the surrounding area. Some choose to get creative and bring crockpot type meals and dine within their rooms.
Saturday dinner: On Saturday evening, the meal is included in the cost of the registration. By limiting the meals that are provided during the weekend, we are able to keep the cost down.
Do I need to know a lot about the Bible in order to participate?
We understand that everyone is on a different spiritual path and you may (or may not) be as knowledgeable about the Bible as some of the other participants. However ... we want this to be a weekend of spiritual growth, no matter where you are in your faith journey! While many participants are willing to talk about their own faith walk, be assured you will not be put on the spot to share your personal faith experience with anyone, unless you choose to do so.
Will I have any free time during the weekend?
Yes, you will have plenty of time to relax and do what you choose. Saturday afternoon is filled with different break-out sessions, and we hope you take advantage of the activities that are offered. But if you just want to go back to your room and take a nap or use the water park facilities, that's okay, too. This is your weekend.
If I attend the retreat, I will miss Sunday worship at my own church. Is there something to replace the service I normally attend?
Yes, the retreat ends with a worship service on Sunday. The service provides an uplifting closure to the weekend. After spending the weekend with old and new friends, the closing session is the highlight of the retreat for many of the attendees.
Will I be put on the spot to answer questions or talk in front of the group?
No, you can participate as much or as little as you would like. Some participants do find it helpful to share. insights on their own life experiences, but again, that it totally up to you!
What is the dress code for the weekend?
The short answer to that question is that there is none! Blue jeans seem to be the attire of choice for the weekend, and some participants like to dress up a little for the Saturday evening meal or the worship service on Sunday, but that's completely your choice. Wear anything that is comfortable for you!
If you would like to attend the Women Rejoice! retreat, but you don't have a roommate, we can help! If you are willing to room with another gal or group of gals, just indicate on the registration form that you are looking for a roommate. We will try to match you up! Bear in mind that you won't be spending a lot of time in your room, and rooming with someone "new" can be a great way to make friends.
Contact us: If you still have questions about the retreat, please let us know! Send an email to womenrejoicewi@gmail.com, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.