Lesson Plan

Pioneer Women - Eliza R. Snow and Zina D. H. Young + Gifts of the Spirit

Teacher 1

Intro: Women of the Early LDS Church sought out and were strengthened by “Gifts of the Spirit.”

Briefly introduce Eliza R. Snow and Zina D.H. Young as the 2nd and 3rd Relief Society presidents as well as “the head and the heart” of the early female leadership. Include the spiritual manifestations both women had when they were converted and talk about how they practiced the gifts of the spirit (D&C 45:19-26)—particularly the gift of tongues and gift of healing (Daughters of Light).

Share descriptions of women practicing the gift of tongues in the early church (4 Zinas).

Talk about the Gospel Topics Essay (lds.org) “Joseph Smith’s Teachings About Priesthood, Temple and Women.”https://www.lds.org/topics/joseph-smiths-teachings-about-priesthood-temple-and-women?lang=eng

Emphasize that through the priesthood Joseph:

1) Organized/elevated the Relief Society which “defined and authorized a major aspect of women’s ministry” using words like ordain and keys.

2) Set up the temple where both men and women could receive and administer priesthood ordinances.

3) Endorsed women giving healing blessings.

Share quotes from Joseph Smith and Brigham Young (see below) encouraging women to give healing blessings. Explain that this practice diminished over time as the church moved into the modern age but was effectively ended in 1946 when Joseph Fielding Smith strongly encouraged members to call on the Elders for healing blessings. (See the Stapley/Wright article in the essay’s footnotes.)

Read an example of one of these healing blessings. (“A Gift Given, A Gift Taken Washing, Anointing and Blessing the Sick,” Newell.)