Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions:

1. Are there women in your family history who were called as healers that might have given blessings?

2. If this practice was reinstated, would there be certain women you would look to as healers? Or would this work for every righteous woman? In other words, does everyone receive every gift of the spirit?

3. For the women in the room, if you were asked to give a healing blessing, how would you feel? What would you say in your prayer? For the men, how would you feel about having a woman give you a blessing? How do you prepare to give a healing blessing?

4. Why do you think we don’t practice the gift of tongues and the gift of interpretation of tongues the way our pioneer foremothers did?

5. Have you heard of women exercising other gifts of the spirit in the modern age?

Conclusion: Share Lavina Fielding Anderson’s comments about nineteenth century saints hungering for spiritual gifts and manifestations and their willingness to pray directly for them, then ask if, as she suggests, we have circumscribed our limits too narrowly. “Our birthright is joy not weariness, courage not caution, and faith not fear. By covenant and consecration, may we claim it.”