Wildwood North & Sun Valley
Jackson, MS

Welcome to our website!
The Association is dedicated to improving the beauty, security, value and enjoyment of Wildwood North & Sun Valley. Membership is open to all homeowners and renters within our neighborhood boundaries. The Association’s board of directors is composed of volunteers who meet monthly to address issues and concerns. Board meetings are open to all interested residents. 

If you live in Wildwood North & Sun Valley, please consider joining the Association. We rely on your voice and your support to make a positive difference in our neighborhood and community. Dues are $25 a year per household and may be delivered, along with your name, address, phone number and email, to our treasurer:

 WNSVNA Treasurer  - P.O. Box 12385 - Jackson MS 39236

Officers and Board Members
President: Margaret Bucci, Ferncreek Drive
Vice President: Mary Nelums, Woodfield Drive
Secretary: Sylvia Burnett, Woodfield Drive
Treasurer: David Nelums, Woodfield Drive

Helen Hamilton, Ferncreek Drive
Carl Neal, Ferncrest Drive
Fred  Rohlfs,  Ferncrest Drive
Pat Walker, Ferntree Drive
Rita Washington, Woodfield Drive

Join Our Email List
The Association email list has strengthened our Neighborhood Watch program by enabling residents to share crime reports and crime-prevention alerts. It also is used to report missing or found pets, city announcements and neighborhood news. We are networked with other associations in the area and cooperate with them in sharing important announcements to benefit all residents. To join, please email your address to WNSVAssociation@gmail.com. Email addresses are used strictly for neighborhood business and are not shared with third parties or used for solicitations of any kind.

Neighborhood Boundaries & Covenants 

Our neighborhood has active covenants in place to protect property owners’ rights and preserve property values. Copies of covenants may be requested from the Association. Click here for a map of neighborhood boundaries.

Wildwood North Part I:  1100, 1200 blocks of Woodfield*; Ferncrest Drive

Wildwood North Part II: 1300, 1400 blocks of Woodfield; 6200 block of Mossline; Mossy Cove

Wildwood North Part III: Woodshire, Autumn Oak, Broad Oak

Sun Valley Part I: 6100 block of Mossline, 6126 to 6156 Ferncreek

Sun Valley Part II: 6200 block of Ferncreek; Ferntree Drive

Areas of our neighborhood share a border with busy shopping areas on Ridgewood Court and County Line Road. In past years, the Association has made efforts to deter trespassing, littering and vandalism caused by people on foot who have created shortcuts to shopping areas through private property. The Association also has addressed noise pollution caused by trucks emptying dumpsters in areas near residential properties. As a result of the Association's action:

Click here for Jackson's Code of Ordinances.

National Night Out 2019 - Tuesday, Oct. 1

MANY THANKS to everyone who came out to support our National Night Out cookout! It was one of our most well-attended NNOs ever. Neighbors enjoyed visiting  while kids had a blast in the bouncy house. Several JPD officers stopped by to show solidarity with our neighborhood. The winner of the drawing for a 24-inch bicycle was Shemeca Washington of Woodfield Drive. Congrats, Shemeca!

Bicycle winner Shemeca Washington (center) is shown with President Sebrenia Washington, Treasurer David Nelums and Pat Griffin (seated), board member.

      Annual Membership Meeting 2019
Thursday, Sept. 19 - Briarwood Presbyterian Church

Special guest: Dr. Safiya Omari, Chief of Staff, Mayor's Office

Many thanks to Dr. Safiya Omari for spending time with the Association to update us on important city initiatives and to field questions from members. Topics included law enforcement, street paving, cleaning up neglected properties and other issues of relevance to our neighborhood.

The meeting kicked off our annual membership drive. If you live in Wildwood North & Sun Valley, please consider joining the Association. We rely on your voice and your support to make a positive difference in our neighborhood and community. Dues are $25 a year per household and may be mailed with a completed membership application to our treasurer:

David Nelums  - P.O. Box 12385 - Jackson MS 39236

Spring Membership Meeting 2019

March 21 - Briarwood Presbyterian Church
Featuring special guest JPD Chief James E. Davis

The Association was pleased to host Jackson Police Chief James Davis and several fellow officers during our Spring Membership Meeting. Chief Davis and his staff provided updates on JPD crime-fighting strategies and the importance of building personal relationships between beat officers and residents to keep  neighborhoods safer.

"I'm asking the community to help us be better," Chief Davis said. "When you see a police officer on your street, flag him down and let them know how much you appreciate him."

Our JPD guests also fielded questions from the audience and even shared their personal cell phone numbers with residents, who were encouraged to call whenever they have questions or concerns. 

Keyshia Sanders, manager of constituent services for the city of Jackson, also delivered important updates concerning neighborhood initiatives, roll-off dumpster days, CodeRED alerts, and Municipal Court amnesty days.

If you want to stay on top of the latest news and happenings, it's in your best interest to attend Neighborhood Association meetings. If you missed this one, we hope to see you next time!

Association Presents Memorial Good Neighbor Award to Ida Jones

The Association would like to thank residents who attended our 2018 annual meeting on Sept. 20 at Virginia College. During the meeting, Ms. Ida Jones of Woodfield Drive received the Good Neighbor Award for her longstanding support of the Association and for being a watchful, concerned and thoughtful neighbor and friend. Sadly, Ms. Jones passed away on Jan. 1, 2019. The Association is thankful that we had the opportunity to honor her during our meeting. The meeting also included informative presentations from guest speakers Eddie Fair, Hinds County Tax Collector, and James Reed, District 1 Election Commissioner.

We also discussed plans for National Night Out on Tuesday, Oct. 2 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Mossy Cove (6200 block of Mossline Drive). Please make plans to attend!

Association President Sebrenia Robinson presents the Good Neighbor Award to Ida Jones of Woodfield Drive.

Association Presents Memorial Good Neighbor Award to Family of John Jones

At our annual meeting on Sept. 21, 2017, the Association presented a memorial Good Neighbor Award to the family of John Jones in recognition of his leadership and service to our neighborhood. 

"John loved our neighborhood -- it was one of his top priorities," said John's wife, Sue, during the award presentation. "He loved working to keep our neighborhood safe and promoting good community relations."

John was a board member before serving as Association president from 2011 to 2017. He passed away on July 5, 2017. Those who had the privilege of working with him to strengthen the Association remember him as a friendly, generous and caring leader who believed in serving his neighbors and his community. 

Pictured from left are John's sister, Angela Tramble, his wife, Sue Jones, and Association Vice President Sebrenia Robinson.

Read the resolution issued by WN&SV Board of Directors in honor of John.

In Memoriam: Harold Webb

Wildwood North & Sun Valley Neighborhood Association lost a good friend and caring neighbor with the passing of Harold Webb on Sept. 22, 2017. Harold lived with his wife, Elaine, on Ferncreek Drive and had served on the Association board of directors for several years.Harold rarely missed an Association board meeting or neighborhood event. He didn't view membership as optional -- he felt that ALL residents should support the Association, and every year he went door to door to each of his neighbors to remind them to pay dues. He also encouraged new neighbors to join. That's why his block of Ferncreek usually had the highest level of participation! Harold truly cared about our neighborhood and backed up his words with actions.

Spring Block Party
Saturday, May 27, 2017

Wildwood North & Sun Valley Neighborhood Association thanks everyone who came out for the Spring Block Party! This annual event is an opportunity for residents to meet their neighbors, enjoy good food and conversation, and learn more about the Association and the work we do to keep our neighborhood strong. 

Association Awards 'Good Neighbor' at 2016 Christmas Party 

During the 2016 Christmas Party, the Association presented a Good Neighbor Award to Margaret Bucci in recognition of her long-time service to the board. She has served as president, vice president and secretary for the association and is currently assistant to the board. She is joined, from left, by board members David Nelums (treasurer), Rita Washington, John Jones (president), Sebrenia Robinson (vice president), Pat Griffin, John and Sylvia Burnett, D'Otis Walker and Fred Rohlfs. Not shown are Rebecca Blackburn, Carl Neal and Harold Webb.

Association Awards 'Good Neighbors' at 2015 Christmas Party

President John Jones (right) presented the "Good Neighbor Award" to four residents for their long-time service and contributions. Recipients were, from left, David Nelums, Fred Rohlfs, Sylvia Burnett and Gerry Geimer. In addition to serving on the Association board, these awardees have given generously of their time to support numerous projects and events to improve our neighborhood. Let's give these Good Neighbors a round of applause!

2015 Annual Meeting
Sept. 17 - Virginia College

The Association thanks everyone who was able to attend the 2015 Annual Meeting. We were honored to host several officials from the City of Jackson:

Police Chief Lee Vance
Fire Chief R.D. Simpson
Venus Gardner, Fire Safety
Sheena Lewis, Constituent Services
Lee Morris, assistant to Councilman Ashby Foote

With your support and participation, we can do more!

Chief Lee Vance updated residents on his department's crime-fighting efforts and explained how neighborhoods play an important role in helping police deter crime.

Association Welcomes Special Guests at 2014 Annual Meeting

Candidates for local office were special guests at the annual meeting on Sept. 18, 2014, where they were welcomed by John Jones (center), president. Shown are Amile Wilson (left) and Dorsey Carson (right), candidates for Ward 1 City Council; and Hinds County Circuit Court Judge Jeff Weill (second from right), who is running for re-election against Municipal Court Judge Ali ShamsidDeen (third from left ). Also pictured is Bill Wilson (second from left), moderator of Precinct 4 COPS meetings (and Amile's father). 

Thanks to these guests for making time to attend our meeting and talk to our members!

Petition to Install Speed Humps on Woodfield and Mossline

The Association completed the petition effort on June 16, 2014, collecting a total of 160 signatures and exceeding the city's requirement of 75%. 

     In 2011, residents in our neighborhood signed petitions authorizing the City of Jackson to conduct a traffic-calming study of Woodfield and Mossline. The study concluded that both streets qualified for speed humps (similar to those on Plantation Boulevard). Thanks to a successful two-phase petition effort led by the Association, our neighborhood streets are safer for motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, and children. Eight speed humps were installed on Woodfield, from Ridgewood to County Line Road, and three speed humps were installed on Mossline, from Woodfield to County Line Road. 

Click here to view the map of speed-hump locations.

 Left: John Jones presents the Good Neighbor Award to Milton Anderson. Behind them are David Nelums, treasurer, Sebrenia Robinson, vice president, and Carl Neal, board member. At right: Carl Neal, Milton Anderson and Rita Washington.

Spring 2014 Meeting -- March 20 -- Virginia College

On March 20, the Association Board of Directors presented a Good Neighbor Award to Milton Anderson, president of Virginia College. Association President John Jones thanked Mr. Anderson for allowing our group to meet at Virginia College and for establishing a positive and beneficial resource in the community. Mr. Anderson thanked the Association and other groups in our area for working together to keep neighborhoods strong and emphasized the importance of community partnerships.

John Burnett receives Good Neighbor Award

Pictured are (from left) David Nelums, treasurer; Sebrenia Robinson, vice president; Sylvia and John Burnett; John Jones, president; and Harold Webb. Not pictured are Rita Washington, Darron Smith, Carl Neal, Pat Griffin and Margaret Bucci, secretary (and photographer!).

 On Nov. 21, the Association board presented a Good Neighbor Award to John Burnett of Woodfield Drive for his service to Wildwood North & Sun Valley. John served on the board of directors for 11 consecutive years, from 2002 to 2013, and during that time supported numerous events, projects and activities. His wife, Sylvia, is a current board member and also has served multiple terms. 

We are fortunate to have the Burnetts as neighbors and are thankful for their service and friendship!

2013 Annual Meeting Features Special Guest

Mayor Chokwe Lumumba

Mayor Chokwe Lumumba was guest speaker at the 2013 annual meeting at Virginia College on Sept. 19. (He passed away on Feb. 25, 2014.) The mayor spent more than an hour discussing his vision for Jackson's future and fielding questions from the audience on topics ranging from infrastructure improvements to Farish Street development. This was a special and unique opportunity for citizens to personally engage with the city of Jackson's top official and to meet Mayor Lumumba, whose promising tenure as Jackson's leader was sadly cut short.

Elderly Assistance
The Association is concerned about elderly residents who may need assistance with yard work, errands, transportation, etc. The Association may act as a liaison to connect residents with community resources that provide needed services. If you or someone you know in our neighborhood is in need of this type of assistance, please contact the Association at WNSVAssociation@gmail.com.

Get Well Wishes and Condolences
The Association sends get-well and sympathy cards to families in our neighborhood in the event of hospitalizations and deaths. Often we rely on residents to bring these situations to our attention so we may respond appropriately. Please help us in this effort by reporting any hospitalizations or deaths to a board member (names at left) or by e-mailing the information to WNSVAssociation@gmail.com.


Let’s Keep Property Values Strong

A neighborhood is a shared investment. Please do your part to protect and strengthen property values. See a complete list of Jackson’s Code of Ordinances at http://library.municode.com/index.aspx?clientID=11036&stateID=24&statename=Mississippi on the City of Jackson's website (www.jacksonms.gov). Owners and renters found in violation will be reported.