2014 Meeting
This meeting was kindly hosted by JMA in Tokyo.
- (Doc 1.1) Provisional Agenda
- (Doc 1.2) List of Participants
- (Doc 2) Report of Chair of ET-WDC (jkl) (updated 2014-01-22)
- (Doc 4.1) Additional GAW station designations (editor: jkl) (updated 2014-01-22)
- (Doc 5.2.1) GAW metadata profile v1.0 (Draft v0.1) (editor: jkl)
- (Doc 5.2.2) Additional code list elements for WMO Core Metadata Standard v1.3 (editor: jkl) (updated 2014-01-22)
- (Doc 5.3) CF standard names for GAW (editor: jkl)
- (Doc 5.4) DOIs for GAW data at WDCs (editor: jma)
- (Doc 5.5) Commercial use of GAW data and products (editor: tc)
- (Doc 5.6) GAW data policy: fit for purpose? (editor: ms)
- (Doc 5.7.1) WOUDC web services (editor: tc)
- (Doc 5.8) WDCs and related archives: roles and responsibilities, collaborations, data flows (editor: jkl)
- (Doc 5.9) Existing n.r.t. data streams of relevance for GAW (editor: jkl)
- (Doc 6.1) Existing QA/QC procedures at GAW WDCs (editor: vb)
- (Doc 6.2) Data flagging schemes of relevance for GAW (editor: ms and hk)
- (Doc 8.1) Open source approach to development of WDC software (editor: tc)
- 3.1 WDCPC
- 3.2 WDCA
- 3.3 WRDC
- 3.4 WDCGG
- 3.5 WOUDC
- 3.7 GAWSIS
- 5.1 WIS
- 5.5 Commercial use of GAW data
- 5.7.1 Web services
- 5.7.3 WDCGG Reform (Part 1) (Part 2)
- 8.1 Open source approach to software development