Dwight Carvel Seeley

Dwight Carvel Seeley (1948- Arlington, Va; 2013- Denver, Co.) Aka Pete, Dewey, Dwighty. Attorney, writer, brother, very good friend, motorcyclist, traveler, Broncos fan. On his bucket list were the following: round the world jet; climb Fuji-san; meet Sultan of Brunei; attend Carnival in Brazil; visit Havana. This was followed by a list of the high definition TV sports channels. He did make it to Everest Base camp in 1980. At Washington-Lee High School (’66), Pete is remembered as friendly, witty, very interesting and as editor of the Penman. His career at the University of Wisconsin (’70) was signified by the anti war and anti Dow Chemical demonstrations and dear friends, kept for the remainder of his life. He taught inner city Chicago high school, English in Japan, became an assayast in Australia and bought his first motorcycle. His friends from the University of Denver Law School (’80) swear that he was the smartest of the lot. He wrote for the Law Review. Dwight’s Storage Tech boss said he was brilliant and brought every case to trial. Later he taught para-legals and in 2009, he ended his legal career at Mountain States Employment Council. His memorial service will be Saturday, November 2, 2013 from 4-7pm in the community room at The Hunt Club. Please use visitor parking near the swimming pool or tennis courts. Pete is survived by three sisters: Maggie Seeley of Albuquerque, New Mexico; Jayne Seeley of Denver & San Carlos, Mexico and Liz Seeley of Los Gatos, Calf. and many very good, supportive friends, who also found him charming, witty, intelligent, stubborn and exasperating. Honoring Dwight’s memories with contributions to Heifer International would delight him. www.heiferinternational.com.
