elven lore

The Elven Pantheon

The elven race always looks to Corellon Larethian as their creator. For a race which is often derided as over-gentle and almost effete, their establishment is always agreed to have originated in battle and strife. The archetypal tale told and re-told to young elves across the worlds and milennia is that of the great battle of Corellon and Gruumsh One-Eye, the dreadful First Power of the orcish gods. From dawn to dusk combat raged across the battlefield, as the sweep of Corellon's glittering sword countered the corrosive black clouds from Gruumsh's torch and the swift thrusts of his spear. As the day waned, Gruumsh began to strengthen with the oncoming darkness and it seemed as if Corellon would perish. Finally, as dusk fell, Corellon looked up to the moon, and tears fell from it to mingle with his blood as he struck a final mighty blow against the overconfident orc and slashed Gruumsh's face, destroying his left eye (the myths are often illogical here, for Gruumsh is usually referred to as "One-Eye" before this conflict; but myths are rarely consistent). Gruumsh screamed in agony, and was driven down by Corellon, to take refuge in darkness. The elven lord triumphed at the last. In some versions of the myth, Sehanine the Moon Goddess is held to be Corellon's consort, watching helplessly until dusk came and the moon began to rise, whereupon she could help him, distracting Gruumsh with illusions; more usually, Corellon triumphs alone.

Corellon is also held to have banished the dark elves (Drow) from the surface world, after the evil Lolth corrupted some of the elves. The existence of Drow is a source of shame to the surface elves, a counter to any excessive pride they may feel in their prowess and talents, and a moral tale for them (many elven myths stress the need to avoid overweening pride lest they be corrupted again). The corrupting evil without (Lolth) has no power without the seed of corruption within. Corellon's triumph over Lolth and the driving down of the Drow features as an epic massed battle in elven myth. As Corellon drove Lolth into the Underdark, the black clouds of obscurement generated by that hated spider-queen dissipated over the battlefield and allowed the light of the sun to bathe the hitherto darkened plains. The Drow fled in fear, to the dismal lands they now inhabit. Corellon is, to be sure, an artist and poet, a musician and bard, and a patron of magic; but he is ever the warrior. Elves do not forget this.

While many themes are reflected in Elven pantheons, those of magic and nature predominate. Elven unity with life and nature is stressed to the point where the very boundary between Elves and their environment is blurred. Thus, Rillifane Rallathil is at one and the same time a giant oak tree and a green-skinned Elf clad in bark armor. Deep Shahelas, of the seas, has a sea green skin; Aerdrie Faenya is usually depicted as being the same color of blue as the skies she rules. Erevan Ilesere's many disguises include those of the trees and plants he hides amongst while up to some mischief or another.

Elven deities and theology always stress tolerance for other friendly and Good-aligned creatures, especially those who share the forests and woodlands of the Elves, and Sylvan deities and their peoples. Again, this reflects the Elves love of their lands and also their chaotic good nature, respecting every creatures right to existance and the opportunity to live a good life.

In summary, the Seldarine concern themselves with nature, magic, dancing and play, love and beauty, time, celestial events, arts and crafts, comedy and delight, chaos and mischief. Few if any represent Law, underground phenomena, strife and hatred, darkness, or the love of war.

Peruse the Creation stories of the tel'Quessir,

or take a look at some of our Legends passed down for millenia.

I have also provided a short summary of our Elven Customs

and biographies for some of our gods.