Max Kirby Way

Opening of the Max Kirby Way

The Max Kirby Way is a path (suitable for wheelchair- and pushchair-users) in Wirral Country Park at Thurstaston. It leads from the overflow car-park to the Wirral Way and thence to the Visitor Centre. The construction of the path was funded by this Society in memory of our late President, Max Kirby. In addition the Society has funded the installation of an interpretative notice-board mounted on old railway sleepers which gives details of the old Hooton – West Kirby railway - Thurstaston Station, an old timetable, a train ticket and pictures of birds, butterflies and plants once seen around the station. The adjacent bridge has been named ‘Max Kirby Bridge’ and some details of Max’s achievements have also been included on the notice-board.

On 17 October 2015 the Max Kirby Way was officially opened by John and Fiona, Max’s children, before an audience of past and present Society committee members and current walks leaders. Jo Hanik, Senior Ranger, and Robin Tutchings, Wirral Council Footpaths Officer, were also invited. Society Chairman, Terry Wood, thanked everyone for coming and went on to say how much Max had contributed to the Society as Footpaths Officer, how much time he had put in to ‘Searching for Lost Ways’ in the archives in Chester and Birkenhead and how he had produced numerous walking leaflets before consolidating them into Walking on Wirral Footpaths and Walking on South Wirral Footpaths. John gave a short speech and Fiona cut the tape.

After the ceremony we all went to the Visitor Centre where we enjoyed an afternoon tea of sandwiches, scones and cakes. President Bob Roberts talked about Max and what he had done for this Society and John Kirby told us about Max as a family man.

Margaret Lello