About the Society


The Society was formed in November 1888 by a group of prominent Wirral business people. Within a few years, much of the footpath system of Wirral had been surveyed and maps published by the Society. The Society also fought cases through the courts to preserve paths from closure or unsatisfactory diversion by landowners, railway companies and others. It also made the various Local Authorities of the time more aware of their responsibilities for the fine system of rights of way in their areas.

A series of excellent signs - the distinctive black and white finger posts - was provided and erected, and clearance work carried out. This work has been maintained, with no let-up, but with changing emphasis, through the years, entailing constant vigilance by a keen band of members, varying in number between 150 and 600.

Present work

The society is no less active today, and the need for its work is as great as ever.  At last, the Local Authorities are beginning to regard the rights of way system as a recreational asset and to adopt a positive approach by formulating policies for its planned maintenance, development and promotion.  The Society is in regular discussion with the Councils on these issues and plays a leading role in putting forward the views of users.

The Society is consulted by the Councils on proposals for the revision of the Definitive Map of rights of way and over the years has made many detailed proposals most of which have been adopted.  Proposals for the closure or diversion of routes are given most careful consideration by the Committee, and objections made when they are considered necessary.

Displays illustrating the work of the Society have been prepared and shown at public libraries throughout the Wirral, as well as at countryside events.  Talks on the work and concerns of the Society are regularly given by members of the Committee to local organisations.  A series of leaflets describing walks on the Wirral, has been published.  At the same time, the day to day work of the Society continues - dealing as best we can with the many matters brought to our notice by members and the general public.

The future

The Society appeals to all who are interested in the continued enjoyment of the pleasures of the countryside of Wirral to join now.  Members are the eyes and ears of the Society, watching constantly for threats to the rural scene.  Without a large, keen and active membership, we cannot function satisfactorily.

You can help to safeguard the footpaths of Wirral. Take the first step!  Join the Society today.

The Constitution

The WFOSPS Constitution can be viewed by clicking the link below.  

Your support of our work will be greatly appreciated 

Registered Charity No. 512633

WFOSPS Constitution 18 April 2023