Half Life 1 Mapping - 2001

Muffin is simplistic death match, free for Half life 1 map, and one those that you design so that it will at least compile

so you and your mates can play in your creation.

A previous mapping design at the time were abandon due map being to large and complex for the compiler

and games engine to handle its complexity on P2 300mhz, especial compile time & prone crashing of compiler.

The Warehouse

Ware house was to be a counter strike map eventually, but start out in half life mod.

This warehouse used the entire design space xy, and height top 10 stories in the z.

Inside feature various small stock holding buildings and stacks of racking system the would tower to the roof,

that had be fill with all types or various  obsticals.

Terrorist would attack the ware house from the delivery dock which was small out side section of the map. 

Unfortuantely compiling time at the time was so great, it had to be compiled on simple simulation with

only direct lighting simulation.  Game play on the other hand could not hand such complex geometries,

thus map kinda fell by the way side.

Muffin Map -  see attachments for download

Lights on

Lights Off

Lights Off

 An uncertain anomaly,event triggers the lights with a delay on an off, so that stays undetectable.