Site Inspector

Specification of changes for Site Inspector

Manager Changes

    1. Assigning a site to Site Inspector mobile app for an inspection.

    2. a) Required action to be performed:

Browser to the Base Station Site Details page, scroll down.

i) Change the [compliance site surveyor assigned to] field to the required team.

ii) Change the [Site visit required] field to [Site visit Required]

    1. b) Manager Resulting, Expected Behavior Upon Save:

The site will implicitly be locked and the locked should be visible at the top of the page.

The lock bar should state something along the lines of “that it is locked by [compliance surveyor team] using [Site Inspector]”

    1. c) Site Inspector Resulting, Expected Behavior, After Save:

Click the button [Sync] should results in the site being list on the device, with icon indicate the inspection has not been started yet.

    1. Remotely force remove a site from Site Inspector as an [Admin] or [Compliance Surveyor] a) Required action to be performed.

Browse to the Base Station Site Details page, scroll down.

        1. i) Change the [compliance site surveyor assigned to] field to empty to remove from all Site Inspector devices or change the team assignment to move it to another device.

        2. ii) Decided in what state to leave the Site Visit Status in, if the current one is not correct.

      1. b) Manager Resulting, Expected Behavior Upon Save

        1. The site will implicitly unlock if [compliance site surveyor assigned to] is set to empty.

        2. The site should also implicitly be unlocked by the manager and the lock by should no longer displayed.

        3. if [Site Visit Status] is change to anything else but [Site Visit Required] or [Site Visit Partial]

    1. c) Site Inspector Resulting, Expected Behavior, After Save:

        1. Click the button [Sync] should results in the site no longer being list on the device.

    2. Force unlock a site from Site Inspector as an [Admin] a) Required action to be performed

      1. Browse to the Base Station Site Details page.

      2. i) Click the force unlock hyper link in the Lock bar that is visible at the top.

b) Manager Resulting, Expected Behaviour, upon save:

[compliance site surveyor assigned to] field will be implicitly set to empty and the behaviour of item 2. Above will be observed, as this is just a shortcut to that action.

Site Inspector

[Partial Site Visit] is a site visit were by the only some of the sites information has been updated, such as the base station details. The application will automatically determine if this is a [Partial Site Visit] depending on which fields you have uploaded.

Site Inspector will now attempt to sync all site upon error and not just stop on the first error occurred and block all other site from syncing. Each site that has an error when sync will have an error message synchronized to the device. The display will automatically change the symbol to the error symbol to communicate to the operator, that something has gone wrong. Upon the operator clicking on the site with error symbol an error message will be displayed, so that an attempt can be made to fix.

Status symbols

The following new Status symbols has been introducing for a partial site visit.

A symbol colour of green means a [Full site visit] has been performed.

A symbol colour of red typically dictates a [Partial Site Visit]


Site inspection not started

Site Inspection started.

Site inspection started, but has failed some validation, can be consider a partial site visit upon sync.

A symbol colour of green means a [Full site visit] has been performed.


Site visit complete and valid.

Site visit completed and valid, but failed to sync click on the site for details.

Site inspection started, but has failed some validation in the full site visit section, can be consider a partial site visit, has been synchronized as partial site visit.

A symbol colour of red typically dictates a [Partial Site Visit]


Partial site visit completed and valid, yet to be synchronized.

Partial Site visit completed and synchronized successfully

Partial site visit completed but had errors on synchronization.

Synchronization Errors:

    • Lock Stolen, is when another has cause you to lose your lock by force unlocking.

    • Lock Stolen By, is when a specific user has stolen your lock and holds the lock, the user and name will be communicated via the error message.

    • Any other server error that might occur, upon sync will be communicated in an attempt to allow you to fix the issues or resolve it without having to debug the application and get the site to sync.