
Group photo Indian Winter School 2015

The 1st Indian Winter School on Diagrams ran in January 2015. Many thanks to all participants, organisers, and staff at Jadavpur University School of Cognitive Science for making it a successful and exciting event.

The schedule is now available as are some course materials, see here and here.

The Winter School on Diagrams aims to bring together graduate students and early career researchers, from all over the world, with interests in diagrams research. Participation from all researchers, regardless of career stage, is welcomed. The week-long school will provide accessible courses on the state-of-the-art in diagrams research, covering two main themes: diagrammatic logics alongside philosophical and historical developments. Courses will be delivered by internationally renowned experts to small groups of delegates and will have an emphasis on interactivity.

To encourage participation, only a minimal registration fee (to cover costs) will be charged and the organizing team are aiming to secure funding to support Indian delegates.


The School aims to enable delegates to begin research into diagrams by introducing them to current research and through thought-provoking exchanges and discussions. The experienced facilitators will tease out research questions that are appropriate for early-stage researchers to tackle, providing a starting point for a research career in diagrammatic reasoning. At a higher level, the School aims to start building a critical mass of researchers within India researching diagrams, aided by the networking opportunity afforded by the School; delegates will be encouraged to identify collaboration opportunities both with other delegates and the course facilitators.


It is expected that delegates who attend the winter school will become equipped to identify research questions in the diagrams field and be knowledgeable of current research endeavours. The School will also include one-on-one discussion sessions where delegates can meet with the expert facilitators to identify suitable research contributions that match their skills and interests. A core outcome is to increase the activity, primarily within India, in the diagrams research field.


The Winter School is supported by a number of sponsors, vital to making the event a success:

IERTNIL: Indo-European Research Training Network in Logic.

DiaMind: The Diagrammatic Mind, Estonian Research Council project PUT 267, PI: A.-V. Pietarinen

The Winter School is also supported by Jadavpur University and the University of Brighton.