Wing Shun (Welson) Kwan, Ph.D., P.E. 關永信博士 

I am an Associate Professor in the Civil Engineering Department at California State University, Los Angeles. My focus is on Geotechnical Engineering, and I serve as the faculty advisor to our ASCE student chapter. I also make tutorial videos for students/entry-level engineers to prepare for their FE/EIT exams. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Recent News:

2024-10Our group has five papers accepted to Geotechnical Frontiers 2025; stay tuned. 

2024-03: Cesar Leal won 2nd place in the 3-Minute Graduate Student Research Presentation Competition, organized by Cal State LA Research Week 2024

2024-01: Our paper "Sand Postliquefaction Montonic Responses with Various Loading Directions and Angularity", led by Cesar Leal, was accepted to the 18WCEE in Milan Italy, stay tuned  

2023-03: Elizabeth Nunez won an outstanding presentation award at Cal State LA RSCA Oral Presentations 

2023-01: The confined, bi-directional, simple shear device has been successfully installed 

2021-08: Our research lab has received an NSF MRI award

2024 Fall Course(s):

Office Hours (ET A221): 

Wednesday 1 to 3 pm

or by appointment