Officer Descriptions

The president shall:

a. Coordinate the work of officers and committees of the association in order that the purposes may be promoted.

b. Preside at all meetings of the association and the executive board.

c. Be a member ex officio of all committees except the nominating committee.

d. Appoint the parliamentarian, the chairmen and members of committees, subject to the ratification of the executive board.

e. Prepare the list of association officers and chairmen required for directory data and submit through channels as directed by council.

f. Sign all authorizations for payment as required by the executive board or association.

g. Be responsible for preparing the association annual report required by the California State PTA.

h. Be the official representative of the association at council and district meetings.

i. Have all newsletters, flyers and/or notices approved by the principal, prior to distribution.

j. Have all contracts and/or legally binding documents approved by the association, prior to signing a contract along with another elected officer.

k. Be authorized to sign checks

The vice president shall:

a. Serve as the primary aide to the president.

b. Perform the duties of the president in the absence or disability of that officer to act.

c. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the association.

The secretary shall:

a. Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the association and the executive board in a bound book which is the legal record of this association.

b. Be prepared to refer to minutes of previous meetings.

c. Prepare a list of all unfinished business for the use of the president.

d. With the president, sign all authorizations for payment authorizing the expenditure of funds following approval by the association or executive board

e. Record all expenditures in the minutes.

f. Keep a current list of the paid members of the association provided by the membership chairman.

g. Keep a current signed original set of the bylaws and standing rules.

h. Perform such other duties as may be delegated to the secretary.

i. Conduct all necessary correspondence of the association upon authorization of the president, executive board or association.

j. Notify officers of their election and chairmen of their appointments.

k. Send out notices of executive board meetings.

The treasurer shall:

***a. Keep such permanent books of account and records as shall be sufficient to establish the items of

gross income, receipts and disbursements of the association, including specifically, the number of

members, the dues collected from the members and the amount of dues remitted through channels

to the California State PTA. Such books of account and records shall at all reasonable times be

open to inspection by an authorized representative of the California State PTA.

b. Chair the budget committee and prepare the budget for adoption by the association. Forward two (2) copies of the adopted budget to the Sacramento Council.

c. Contact the bank to secure signatures of all authorized signers on all checking and savings account

signature cards and file with the bank immediately upon taking office (see h below).

d. Receive monies from the financial secretary for the association, giving a receipt therefor, and

deposit immediately in the name of the association in a bank approved by the executive board.

e. Receive and retain a copy of the deposit slip for any deposit made.

f. Prepare all authorizations for payment as required by the executive board or the association.

g. Upon receipt of a payment authorization form signed by the president and the recording secretary,

pay all bills as authorized by the executive board or the association.

***h. Secure two signatures on all checks. Any two of the following are authorized to sign: president,

treasurer and vice president. The authorized signers shall not be related by blood or marriage or

reside in the same household.

***i. Individuals counting cash/checks shall not be related by blood, marriage or reside in the same household.

j. Keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements in a ledger which is a permanent record of this association. All other financial records must be retained for seven years including the current year.

k. Keep the membership informed of expenditures as they relate to the budget adopted by the association.

l. Remit all council, district, State and National portions of per capita dues monthly to the financial officer of the council

m. Present a treasurer’s report at every meeting of the association and the executive board and at other times when requested by the association.

n. Be responsible for filling out and forwarding all necessary report forms required by the California State PTA for insurance, and for filing all tax returns and other forms required by government agencies. This includes employee reporting forms, if this association pays employees; and independent contractor reporting forms, if this association hires independent contractor(s). Forward two (2) copies of all government filings to Sacramento Council.

o. Make an annual financial report to the association which includes gross receipts and disbursements for the year. Forward two (2) copies of the annual financial report to Sacramento Council. NOTE: The dishonesty bonding insurance may require additional rules to follow.

The auditor shall:

***a. Audit the books and financial records of the association semiannually.

b. Prepare a mid-year audit to be completed in January. Present a written report to the executive board at the

February meeting for review and to the association at the February [see Article VII, Section 1] meeting for adoption.

c. Prepare a year-end audit to be completed in July. Present a written report to the executive board at the September meeting for review and to the association at the September meeting for adoption. (NOTE: The audit at the end of a term is performed by the outgoing auditor. See Financial Officers’ Reports and Forms, Finance section, California State PTA Toolkit.)

d. Audit the books upon resignation of the treasurer, financial secretary or any check signer and at any time deemed necessary.

e. Not be related by blood or marriage or reside in the same household as the financial officers and/or authorized signers of checks.

f. Be responsible for verifying on the Audit Report Form that all necessary report forms required by the California State PTA for insurance, and tax returns and other forms required by state and federal government agencies have been completed and filed by the due date.

***g. Forward two (2) copies of the adopted audits to the Sacramento Council.

The historian shall:

a. Assemble and preserve a record of the activities, achievements and volunteer hours of the association.

b. Act as custodian of records and other materials pertinent to the history of the association.

c. Assist the president with the preparation of the association’s annual report required by the California State PTA.

The parliamentarian shall:

a. Attend all meetings of the association and of the executive board and give necessary advice in parliamentary procedure when requested.

b. Call the first meeting of the nominating committee, conduct election of a chairman and give instructions in procedure, and may be contacted for additional information, if needed; and shall attend meetings of the nominating committee only if elected to serve as a member of the committee.

c. Chair the bylaws committee and review bylaws and standing rules annually

d. Be entitled to all rights and privileges of membership including the right to make motions, debate and vote.